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17096: 2021.02.05 - Drake20 Updates

Drake20 Update Notes

2021.02.05 - Drake20 Updates


Federal Program Update 8

  • General program update.

District of Columbia Update 6

  • Individual Package:
    • General programming changes were made relating to incorrect data entry on DC screen HSR2.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • The electronic transmission file will now include elements "IntPayments" and "IncNonDeductiblePayments" for values on lines 18a, "Interest payments," and 18b, "Minus nondeductible payments to related entities," of Form D-20, Corporation Franchise Tax Return.
    • Line 33, "Other income/deductions attributable to DC," will now be used as intended in the calculation of line 3, "Add Non-Business income allocated to DC reported on D-20, Line 33, or D-30, Line 30," on DCTL_WK, Minimum Tax Liability Gross Receipts (MTLGR) Worksheet, for Form D-20, Corporation Franchise Tax Return.

District of Columbia Update 7

  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • The balance due payment will now flow into the electronic transmission file for financial transaction data when federal screen PMT is completed. As such, part II, Payment Method, of Form D-20E, District of Columbia Corporation Franchise Tax Declaration for Electronic Filing, will now contain the expected information, and the calculation results will now indicate "Direct Debit" in the "Payment Method" column.

1041 Update 11

  • A program update prevents a parse error related to foreign taxes paid. [ForeignTaxCreditSource, IRS1116]
  • Forms 2210, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates and Trusts, and 2210-F, Underpayment of Estimated Tax By Farmers and Fishermen, are now available, and the watermarks have been removed.

1040 Update 18

  • EF Message 1206, which prevents e-file for certain returns claiming the standard deduction under the U.S.-India Tax Treaty, has been changed to Return Note 744 until the IRS issues further guidance. 
  • MetaBank Pre-Ack Advances will no longer be available after midnight (CST) Monday, February 8, 2021. In Season Advances and RTs will be available beginning Tuesday, February 9, 2021. 
  • Form 8915-E, Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments, has been updated based on the latest IRS draft instructions. If a previously filed return included an 8915-E, and the taxpayer was a victim of a disaster other than Coronavirus, review the return for accuracy and amend if necessary. 
  • A program update prevents a parse error related to foreign taxes paid. [ForeignTaxCreditSource, IRS1116]
  • EF Message 3034 is now generated when both the "If so, reported as wages on 1040?" check box and either of the "Exclude here; distribution is reported on" check boxes is marked in the "Additional Information for this Distribution" section of federal screen 1099. [The 'referenceDocumentId' attribute is not declared.]
  • EF Message 2572 prevents a parse error on Schedule A. [MedicalAndDentalExpensesAmt]
  • When the "F" box on screen 1099 contains "0" (zero), the withholdings will no longer be printed on line 25b of Form 1040. This was a printing issue only and did not affect the result of any return. 
  • A program update prevents reject "S1-F1040-376": "Schedule 1 (Form 1040), 'OtherAdjustmentsTotalAmt' must be equal to the sum of all 'OtherAdjustmentsAmt' in [OtherAdjustmentsStatement]."
  • Section 172(b), Election to Waive NOL Carryback, will now be produced in View/Print and on the client bill as "Election." Prior to this patch, the election statement was displayed as "Form 1098-C." 
  • Forms 2210, Penalty for Underpayment, 2210-F, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fishermen, and 8990, Limitation on Business Interest Expense, are now available. The watermarks have been removed.

Idaho Update 6

  • Individual Package:
    • The correct refund or balance due amount is now printed on amended returns.
    • EF Message 0002 is now generated when amended returns are e-filed with estimated payment vouchers.
  • All Packages:
    • An updated EF Message is now produced when there is a missing description field on the ID Forms 49R, 68R, 49ER, 83R, or 84R.

Indiana Update 5

  • Corporation Package
    • EF Messages have been updated to prevent a parse error on element "YearFirstFiledInState" on Form IT-20, Indiana Corporate Adjusted Gross Income Tax Return.

Kentucky Update 6

  • Individual Package:
    • The following parse error has been resolved: "Error(195,48):The '' element is invalid.... invalid according to its datatype '' - The Pattern constraint failed."
    • KY Schedule M, Federal Adjusted Gross Income Modifications, and Schedule P, Pension Income Exclusion, will now be calculated as expected when the federal return contains Form 8915-E, Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Plan Distribution and Repayments.
  • Partnership Package:
    • A parse error for element "EntityPresidentSSN" has been resolved. 
  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Package:
    • The following parse error has been resolved: "Error(256,18):The '' element is invalid - The value 'SL' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Enumeration constraint failed."

Massachusetts Update 3

  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The following forms have been approved: 
      • Form 2, MA Fiduciary Income Tax
      • Schedule ABIE, Exceptions to the Add Back of Intangible Expenses
      • Schedule ABI, Exceptions to the Add Back of Interest Expenses
      • Schedule RLSC, Refundable Life Science Credit
      • Schedule HM, Harbor Maintenance Credit
      • Schedule TDS, Taxpayer Disclosure Statement
      • Schedule VP, Vanpool Credit
      • Schedule D-IS, Long Term Capital Gains and Losses Excluding Collectibles
      • Form PV, MA Individual Tax Payment Voucher 
      • Form 355 PV, MA Corporate Tax Payment Voucher 
      • Form 355 S PV, MA S-Corp Tax Payment Voucher
      • Form 355 ES, MA Corporate Estimated Tax Payment
      • Form 2 ES, MA Fiduciary Estimated Tax Payment
      •  Form M-8736, MA Fiduciary Extension Worksheet and Voucher
      • Form M-4868, MA Income Tax Extension Worksheet and Voucher
      • Form 355-7004, Corporate Extension Worksheet and Voucher
  • Individual Package:
    • Amounts on Form PV, Personal Income Tax Payment Voucher, will now be rounded to the nearest dollar.
    • EF Message 0067 no longer stops e-file of returns for Single noncustodial parents 
  • S Corporation Package:
    • The payment due date on the client results letters has been updated to 3/15/2021.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • Federal Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, can now be used to e-file MA Form 2, 
    • Fiduciary Income Tax return, for foreign beneficiaries.

Maryland Update 4

  • Individual Package:
    • The taxpayer's phone number is no longer generated in the signature field of Form 502, Resident Income Tax Return.
    • The ZIP code field of Form 502, Resident Income Tax Return, has been expanded to display nine digits instead of five.
    • The preparer's address is now generated as expected in the signature section of Form 505, Nonresident Income Tax Return.
    • The limit for subtraction code Va, "Honorable Louis L. Goldstein Volunteer Fire, Rescue and Emergency," on MD screen SUB has been updated to this year's threshold of $6,000.
  • Corporation Package:
    • Data entered in the "Telephone number of Corporate tax department" field on MD screen 1 will no longer flow to line 17a, "If amending prior overpayment," of Form 500, Corporation Income Tax Return.
    • The number of characters permitted for the explanation of changes on MD screen X has been limited to the maximum amount of characters allowed on the amended statement.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" when the element "USAddress" is missing the child element "AddressLine1Txt."

1065 Update 10

  • Form 8990, Limitation on Business Interest Expense, is now available, and the watermark has been removed.

Nebraska Update 4

  • Individual Package:
    • The NE School Readiness Tax Credit amounts have been updated for tax year 2020. The NE DoR changes these amounts annually.

Pennsylvania Update 8

  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • Updates to the client results letter ensure that the correct first-quarter estimated payment is presented when it is partially offset by an applied overpayment.
  • Individual Package:
    • Updates now generate PA Schedule SP, Special Tax Forgiveness Credit, for dependents whose parent or another provider also qualify for this credit when the first question on PA screen SP is marked "Yes." If both questions 1 and 2 are answered "Yes," and the qualifying parent's or guardian's information is entered PA screen SP), and the return was filed but credit was not claimed, amend this return to receive a larger refund.

1120 Update 11

  • Form 8990 and the Estimated Tax Worksheet (1120-W) are now available, and the watermarks have been removed.

1120S Update 10

  • Form 8990, Limitation on Business Interest Expense Under Section 163(j), is now available, and the watermark has been removed.

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