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18473: 2024.03.12 - Drake23 Updates

Drake Tax Update Notes

2024.03.12 - Drake23 Updates


Alaska Update 2

  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • AK Forms 6323 and 6324 have been removed from the program.
    • EF Message 0008 is now produced when data is present on AK screen OVR, but neither "Yes" or "No" is selected.

Arkansas Update 7

  • Individual Package:
    • EF Messages 266 and 267 are now produced when incomplete information is entered on AR screens PADD and PSUB.
    • The amount entered on line 3, "U.S. government interest," of federal screen INT is now included in the calculation on Form AR4.
    • The amount entered on line "Other state municipal Interest" of "Amount of Box 11 above that is..." section on federal screen OID now flows to "Part I - Taxable Interest" of Form AR4.
    • Amounts on federal screen DIV now flow to Form AR4 and are calculated as intended.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • Estimated payments already paid for AR entered on federal screen ES with "PE - AR - Arkansas Pass-Through Entity Tax" selected from the "Type" drop list now flows as intended to line 3, "Less Arkansas Income Tax," Part B, on Form AR1100REC.
    • The amount on line 9, "Net section 1231 gain...," page 3, of federal Form 1120-S (S Corporation package) and line 10, "Net section 1231 gain...," page 5, of federal Form 1065 (Partnership package) now flows as intended to line 1, "Federal capital gains," Part D, on Form AR1100REC.

Arizona Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • The following charity code has been added to AZ Form 321 per the AZ DOR:
      • 22710 AZ Hugs 22705 Zion City Care Center, Inc.
    • The following charity code has been added to AZ Form 322 per the AZ DOR:
      • 070241235 GPS GLOBAL ACADEMY
  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • e-File specifications have been update per recent AZ guidelines.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • The "Frequently Asked Questions about Extensions" link on AZ screen EXT now functions as intended.
  • Partnership Package:
    • The intended amount is now calculated in column g, "Distributive Share of Income Page 1, Line 5," Schedule D, page 4, of AZ Form 165 when "0" (zero) is produced on line 1, "Federal ordinary business and rental income...," of AZ Form 165.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "BusinessNameLine1Txt."

California Update 11

  • individual Package:
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 6, "Required annual payment," page 2, of CA Form 5805 when "Use worksheet for accrued market adjustment" is selected on federal screen D.
    • An update prevents reject "F3514-076" when the following items are present in the return:
      • CA earned income is a negative amount
      • Dependent on screen 2 is under the age of 6 years old
      • Federal AGI on line 11 of federal Form 1040 is greater than $30,951
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • "Amount of credit distributed to beneficiaries" field has been added to CA screen 3804.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • EF Message 8042 is now produced when filing a CA extension with a balance due on CA Form 3539, and data is not present on federal screen PMT, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "PaymentInformation."
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • EF Message 274 is now produced when an amount is present on line 1, "Credit amount," and line 2, "Pass-through credit from Schedule K-1" of CA Form 3821, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "PassThruCredit."

Iowa Update 28

  • Individual Package:
    • Municipal dividends from other states are now produced as intended on line 2, "Dividends," column A, Schedule 1, page 4, of Form IA 1040.
    • EF Message 0032 is now produced when a positive amount is entered on line G, "College Savings Iowa or Iowa Advisor 529 Plan," of IA screen LN19.
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 7, "IRA/Pension/Railroad Retirement Income," column B, page 4, of Form IA 1040.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Code."
  • Partnership Package:
    • Amounts entered on IA screen E now flow as intended to their corresponding lines on Schedule E, page 7, of Form IA 1065.
  • S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • Data entered on IA screen K1 now flows as intended to IA 1065 Schedule K-1.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • The amount produced on line 20, "Qualified business income deduction," of federal Form 1041 now flows as intended to line 22, "Qualified business income deduction," page 4, of Form IA 1041.

Iowa Update 29

  • Individual Package:
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 15, "Heal insurance deduction," Schedule 1, page 4, of Form IA 1040.
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 1, "Interest," column B, Schedule 1, page 4, of Form IA 1040.
    • The intended amount is now only produced on line 7, "IRA/Pension/Railroad Retirement Income," Schedule 1, page 4, of Form IA 1040 when the taxpayer is over the age of 55 years old.
  • Partnership Package:
    • IA screen A has been updated.

Indiana Update 12

  • Individual Package:
    • EF Message 1209 is no longer generated when "636" is selected from one of the "Other Deduction Code" drop lists on IN screen SCH2.
    • Form references have been updated on EF Messages 0047 and 0050.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • The tax year on Form IT-20/IT-65, Schedule IN K-1, has been updated.
    • EF Message 0135 is no longer generated when Schedule PTET, is selected from the "Entity type" drop list on IN screen K1.
    • An override for the amount on Form IT-6WTH withholding payment voucher has been added to the following Indiana screens:
      • Screen SUM, Summary of Calculations (S Corporation)
      • Screen 1, General Information and Adjustments (Partnership)
  • S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • EF Message 0119 is now generated when Exception code "13" is selected on IN screen K1 and the "Code 13" check box on IN screen CMPA is not selected.

Kentucky Update 12

  • Individual Package:
    • An update prevents OL-3 reject "F740PTET-0006."
    • Affected returns that include data entered on KY screen OL3 should be recalculated and retransmitted.

New Mexico Update 12

  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The following fields have been added to NM screen 359:
      • Composite Income Tax Paid
      • Credit for Entity Level Tax
  • Partnership Package:
    • NM Form RDP-41373 and corresponding screens have been removed from the program in the Fiduciary and S Corporation packages.
    • NM screen 373 has been updated.
  • Individual Package:
    • e-File specifications have been updated per recent NM guidelines.
  • S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 7, "Owner share of allocated net income," of NM S-CORP-D.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 34, "Tax Due," of NM Form FID-1.

Ohio Update 25

  • Individual Package:
    • A generic city return (OHCITY) is no generated for the city of Columbus.
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "ResidentFromDate."
    • An update prevents reject "OH-SD100-072."
    • EF Message 0263 is now produced when OH school district information is missing on the "Additional Entries" tab on federal screen W2, preventing reject "OH-SD100-037."

Oregon Update 12

  • Individual Package
    • The limit for code 324 "Oregon 529 College savings network carryforward" on Schedule OR-ASC has increased to $5580.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • The intended green check mark is now displayed in the "EF Status" column of the Calculation Results window for OR Schedule E when applicable.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • The intended contact name is now produced as intended on Form OR-20-V.

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