

Knowledge Base

18476: 2024.03.13 - Drake23 Updates

Drake Tax Update Notes

2024.03.13 - Drake23 Updates


Alabama Update 10

  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • EF Messages are now produced when a PDF attachment is required for Schedule L of AL Forms 20C, 20S, and 65, preventing the following rejects:
      • "SchF-AL20C-003"
      • "SchF-AL20C-004"
      • "SchF-AL20C-017"
      • "SchF-AL20C-019"
      • "SL-AL20S-003"
      • "SL-AL20S-004"
      • "SL-AL20S-013"
      • "SL-AL20S-014"
      • "SL-AL20S-017"
      • "SL-AL20S-018"
      • "SL-AL20S-023"
      • "SL-AL20S-024"
      • "SL-AL65-004"
      • "SL-AL65-005"
      • "SL-AL65-006"
      • "SL-AL65-017"
      • "SL-AL65-018"
      • "SL-AL65-019"
      • "SL-AL65-020"
    • Individual Package:
      • The intended amounts are now produced on line 15, "Taxable IRA Distributions," and line 16, "Taxable pensions and annuities" of the Allocation Worksheet for Part-Year Alabama Residents (AL PY_WK) when the retirement exclusion is claimed on line 10, "Retirement exclusion," of AL Schedule RS.

Federal Program Update 23

  • EF Messages have been enhanced to assist in completing screens for Form 3468.

Colorado Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • The expected amount is now calculated on line 4, "Federal Deduction addback," of CO Form DR 0104
    • A PDF attachment of federal Form 1099-SSA is now required for CO returns when data is entered on federal screen SSA.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The intended years are now produced on CO Form DR 1366.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • EF Message 189 is now produced when an amount is not present on line 1, "Nonemployee compensation," or line 7, "State income," of federal screen 99N.

Connecticut Update 10

  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • The program no longer closes unexpectedly when going to View/Print mode.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 12, " Other deductions," Part 4 on Form CT-1065/CR-1120SI.
  • Individual, Fiduciary, Corporation, S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • Print alignment has been adjusted for Form CT-1128.
  • Individual Package:
    • The intended military pension subtraction is now produced on line 44, "Military retirement pay," and line 48b, "100% of pension or annuity income," of Form CT-1040.
    • The intended amounts are now calculated on Section 1 and Section 3 of Form CT-706/709.
    • Print alignment has been adjusted for line 64, "Maximum property tax credit allowed," page 4, on Form CT-1040.

District of Columbia Update 6

  • Individual Package:
    • The "Designee name" and "Phone number" are now produced as intended on the "Third Party Designee" section of DC Form D-40B.

Delaware Update 7

  • Partnership Package:
    • An update resolves reject "DRKPARSE" on element "PartnerInformation."
  • Individual Package:
    • An update resolves reject "DRKPARSE" on element "OTPContributions."

1041 Program Update 22

  • EF Message 1097 is now produced when either an "EIN" or "Ref. ID" is required on screen 116C, preventing reject "DRKARSE" on elements "OtherFrgnTaxAdjustmentsGrp" and "DecrPayorRelationBackYrGrp."

Hawaii Update 6

  • Individual, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Name" regarding the entity name produced on Part I of HI Form N-362.
  • Individual Package:
    • A deceased spouse is now produced on line 8, "Name," of HI Schedule X when the dates entered on HI screen X are longer than 9 months for tax year 2023.

1040 Program Update 28

  • The "Video: ROTH Distributions and Rollovers" link on screen ROTH has been updated.
  • EF Message 1097 is now produced when either an "EIN" or "Ref. ID" is required on screen 116C, preventing reject "DRKARSE" on elements "OtherFrgnTaxAdjustmentsGrp" and "DecrPayorRelationBackYrGrp."
  • An update prevents reject "F1040X-016-01" regarding the "Part I - Dependents" section on Form 1040-X.

Iowa Update 30

  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • Amounts entered on IA screen E for Iowa now flow as intended to Schedule E of Form IA 1065.
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "DesignatedIndividual."
  • Corporation Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" for element "FormIA1120."
  • Partnership Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "PartnershipGrossReceipts."
    • The entire "ID Number" entered on federal screen K1 now flows as intended to page 2 and page 3 of IA 1065 Schedule K-1.
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Name."
  • Corporation Package:
    • Amounts entered on federal screen APPT with "IA - Iowa" selected from the "State Selection" drop list now flows as intended to Schedule E of Form IA 1120.

Massachusetts Update 17

  • Individual Package:
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 4, "Fees and other 5.0% income," of MA Schedule X.
    • MA EF Message 2158 text has been updated.
    • Field help text has been updated on MA screen 1.

Maryland Update 13

  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • MD Message 0258 is now only produced when intended.
  • Individual Package:
    • MD Form HTC-60 and MD Form RTC-60 have been approved for filing.
    • The subtraction amount for code HH on MD Form 502/505 has been updated.
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 10a, "Pension exclusion from worksheet" of MD Form 502.
  • Partnership Package:
    • The address entered on federal screen 1 now flows as intended to MD Form 510.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • Print alignment has been adjusted for the "Federal EIN" on MD Form 510/511D.
  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • An update prevents rejects "MD510E-80417-010" and "MD510E-80418-010" Preparers should recalculate and retransmit affected returns.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • Override amounts can now be entered on line 1, "Income from U.S. obligations," Section C, of MD screen MDk1.

Maine Update 15

  • Individual, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • Text has been updated on the Worksheet for Standard/Itemized Deductions (MEWK_STD)
    • The following ME forms have been approved for printing:
      • Form 1040C-ME
      • Form 1040C-ME
      • Schedule 1040C-ME-1
    • The year has been updated on Form 1040ES-ME Voucher 4

Maine Update 16

  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • ME EF Message 1008 is no longer produced when federal EF Message 0147 is present in the return, allowing ME Form 941P-ME to be e-filed.

Michigan Update 18

  • Individual Package:
    • More than one data entry screen can now be accessed by pressing PAGE DOWN on the "Click here to make additional entries" link of MI screen 5678.
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 9b, "Number of individuals who qualify for one of the following exemptions," on Form MI-1040 when the taxpayer, spouse, or dependent is designated as "Blind" and is over the age of 66 years old.
    • "1099R Pension Type Adjustments" link has been added to MI screen 1 to allow an additional pension type to be designated for a 1099-R when more than one is needed to include the pension amount on Form 4884.
    • The intended amount is now calculated on Part 3 of MI Form 4884 when "C- IRA converted to Roth IRA" is selected from the "Rollover or conversion into another account" drop list and an amount is on line "Partial rollover or conversion amount" on federal screen 1099.

Montana Update 12

  • Individual Package:
    • The maximum allowable long-term care deduction amount have been updated on line 3, "Long-term care insurance premiums...," of the Itemized Deduction Schedule, page 7, on MT Form 2.

1065 Program Update 22

  • An override is no longer necessary for "Auto and travel" on screen 8825 when "8825 - Rental (Real Estate)" is selected from the "For" drop list on screen AUTO. - "SA" (Special Allocations) links are now available on screen 3468.
  • An update resolves a rounding issue associated with Form 8881.

North Carolina Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • An update resolves reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Secondary" when filing NC Form D-400.

New Jersey Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • An amount is no longer produced on line 56, "Property Tax Credit," of Form NJ-1040 when the taxpayer is under the age of 65 years old and has a gross income of less than $10,000 (for Single/Married Filing Separately filing status) or $20,000 (for Married Filing Jointly/Head Of Household filing status).
    • An update resolves reject "DRKPARSE" on element "OtherRetirIncExclusEverwher."
  • Partnership Package:
    • The amounts produced on NJ Schedule A now flow as intended to lines 1 through 11, page 2, of Form NJ-1065.
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPRSE" on element "PartnerType."
  • S Corporation Package:
    • The amount produced on line 4, "Net gain (loss) from Form 4797," of federal Form 1120-S now flows as intended to line 5,"All other business receipts earned in NJ," on Schedule J of NJ Form CBT-100S.

New York Update 17

  • Individual Package:
    • The intended amount is now produced on line 21, "Based on you federal filing status.." of NY Form IT-2104.
  • Partnership Package:
    • NY form M2658 has been approved and activated for printing.

General Program Update 28

  • The keyword "City Direct Deposit Amount" now functions as intended on the Client Results letter.
  • The following keywords now function as intended on the Client Results letter; prior to this update, these paragraphs were not produced if the overpayment applied to next year's taxes equaled the current-year refund:
    • "City Direct Deposit Paragraph"
    • "City No Direct Deposit Paragraph"
    • "State Direct Deposit Paragraph"
    • "State No Direct Deposit Paragraph"
  • The "Help Assistant" feature has been added to the Home window toolbar and Support menu. Use the Assistant to quickly get answers to common and trending Drake Tax questions and to browse the Knowledge Base.
  • The "e-File Status" feature has been added to the Home window toolbar. Use this feature to quickly pick up and process acknowledgments and browse the EF Database, all in one place.

Pennsylvania Update 16

  • Individual Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "BeneficiaryYearEnd."
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "FiscalYearEnd."
    • A watermark is now produced on PA Form PHL40 when "F - Force the Pennsylvania SP" is selected from the "Force/Suppress the credit" drop list on PA screen SP.
  • Partnership Package:
    • PA20S65 with direct debit for a balance due is now produced on the EF Selection Report.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "ReturnDataState" for PA Forms RCT-101 and REV-853.

1120 Program Update 23

  • General program update.

Rhode Island Update 9

  • S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • Negative amounts are no longer allowed on line 1, "Apportioned Rhode Island taxable income...," of RI Schedule PTW, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "TaxbleIncome."
  • Individual Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "NALiteralCD."
  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • The intended fourth quarter due dates are now displayed on RI Form BUS-EST.

1120S Program Update 24

  • Print alignment has been adjusted for the "Inactive Return" literal on Form 1120-S.
  • An override amount is no longer necessary on line "Auto and travel" of screen 8825 when "8825 - Rental (Real Estate)" is selected from the "For" drop list on screen AUTO.
  • An update resolves a rounding issue associated with Form 8881.
  • The "Other Deductions" Federal Supporting Statement is now produced as intended for the fifth rental property on Form 8825.

990 Program Update 22

  • General program update.

Virginia Update 12

  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • Refundable credits now flow to line 21, "Amount of Refund," on VA Form 502 when "Elect to have line 7 and 8 credits refunded directly to the PTE" is selected on VA screen CR2 and no tax has been calculated on the return.
    • The amount entered on line 11|14, "Amount of overpayment to be credited in 2024" of VA screen 6 now flows to line 14, page 2, of VA Form 502PTET.
  • Individual Package:
    • Check box "Spouse is not filing a VA return" has been added to VA screen 1. This option must be selected when the spouse is ineligible for the Age Deduction Credit.

Vermont Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • An update resolves reject "DRKPARSE" on element "FormIN111."
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • The intended amounts are now calculated on VT Schedule K-1VT.

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