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18483: 2024.03.19 - Drake23 Updates

Drake Tax Update Notes

2024.03.19 - Drake23 Updates


Arizona Update 11

  • Individual Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "FirstName."
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "RefundableCreditsGrp."
  • Partnership and S Corporation Packages:
    • AZ Form 120/165ES is now produced as intended when data is present on federal screen ES.

Federal Program Update25

  • Passive carryforward amounts will now flow to Part IV of Form 3800 as expected.

California Update 13

  • Individual Package:
    • An EF Message is now produced when text is entered on line A, "Secretary of State (SOS) file number," of CA screen DEMO, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "SOSNumber."
  • Corporation Package:
    • An EF Message is now produced when an amount is produced on line 16, "Depreciation and depletion," of CA Form 199, but CA Form 3885 is not present in the return, preventing reject "F199-140.",
  • Partnership and S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "ElectorInformation" when there is not an a pass-through entity elective tax calculated for the CA partner, shareholder or member.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • The Other deductions attachment, CACRPATT.PG5, CASBSATT.PG2, CAPTRATT and CASM_DED have been updated.

1041 Program Update 24

  • General program changes.

1041 Program Update 25

  • The correct bonus depreciation is now calculated when a "Qualified nonresidential property" option of A, B, or C is selected on screen 4562. Affected returns should be recalculated and reviewed for accuracy.
  • Question A on Form 3800 now defaults to "No" for all non-corporation returns.
  • Prior-year foreign tax credit carryover amounts are now produced on the Carryover Worksheet (Wks_CARRY) when Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit, is not present in the return.

1041 Program Update 25

  • An update prevents reject "F1116-004-03."

Florida Update 5

  • Partnership Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "ProvinceOrStateNm."
  • Corporation and S Corporation Package:
    • Redundant FL EF Messages have been removed.

1040 Program Update 30

  • An EF Message is now produced when "Prior-year carryover allowed" is selected on screen 8839, but there are no prior-year credit carryforward amounts entered on line 13.
  • The correct bonus depreciation is now calculated when a "Qualified nonresidential property" option of A, B, or C is selected on screen 4562. Affected returns should be recalculated and reviewed for accuracy.
  • Question A on Form 3800 now defaults to "No" for all non-corporation returns.
  • Forms 1040-NR and 1040-SS are now available in Spanish.
  • Prior-year foreign tax credit carryover amounts are now produced on the Carryover Worksheet (Wks_CARRY) when Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit, is not present in the return.
  • Return Note 849 and EF Message 997 have been added to assist with e-filing Form 8283.

1040 Program Update 31

  • An update prevents reject "F1116-004-03."

Iowa Update 33

  • Individual Package:
    • Schedule 1, line 7 of Form IA 1040, no longer includes life insurance, and no longer includes any amount if taxpayer's age is under 55.
    • Pension type "R - Life Insurance Premiums" will no longer flow from federal Form 1099-R to line 7 on page 4, Schedule 1, of Form IA 1040.
    • The IA Child and Dependent Care Credit Worksheet has been updated by the IA DoR.
    • The amount from line 8, "Iowa Capital Gains deduction," on IA screen 100G now flows to line 8 on page 5 and to line 1, Part VIII, on page 6, of Form IA 100G.
    • The IA EIC worksheet has been updated for nonresidents and part-year residents, per the IA DoR.
    • Health insurance payments no longer flow to IA Schedule 1, line 15, "Health insurance deduction," if the federal return is using the Schedule A, line 4, "Medical and Dental Expenses" to reduce federal taxable income.
    • If the check box for "If line 26 is less than $1,000..." on IA screen 126 is selected, the amount on line 28 of Form IA 126 will now be "100%."
    • Tax-exempt interest now flows from Form 1099-DIV to line 1 of Schedule 1, Form IA 1040, instead of to line 2.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • The PTET credits as listed on the IA Schedule K now flow automatically to Schedules K-1, as intended.
  • Partnership Package:
    • An update prevents "DRKPARSE" on element "FormIA1065."
  • S Corporation Package:
    • An update prevents "DRKPARSE" on element "DesigneeName."
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • EF Message 0138 now prevents "DRKPARSE" on element "Amt" for a negative entry on line 6 of Schedule A: Iowa Modifications, Part II.

Kansas Update 9

  • S Corporation Package:
    • EF Message 475 is now produced when non-Kansas county is entered for a qualified employee address on KS screen 26 > "Qualified Employer's Employee Information."
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • New versions of annual reports (now biennial information reports) have been added to the program.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • EF Message 782 is now produced when a PDF attachment is required for the KS return, preventing a rejection with a "B" acknowledgment.

Louisiana Update 10

  • Partnership Package:
    • Form IT-565-2D has been approved for printing.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • The override field for line 1B on LA screen 620 now works as expected.
    • The amount for line 1B on LA Form CIFT-620-2D will now be calculated as "0" (zero) when the "Pass through entity tax election" box has been marked on LA screen 620. The S corporation exclusion is not allowed for entities making the pass-through tax election.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • The expected franchise fiscal-year ending date of 2/28/2025 will now be printed on fiscal-year returns ending 2/29/2024.

Mississippi Update 8

  • Partnership Package:
    • An update prevents MS reject DRKPARSE "referenceDocumentId."
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • MS Form 84-381 has been approved for paper-file.

Montana Update 13

  • Individual Package:
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 3, "Partial interest exemption for taxpayers...," page 5, of MT Form 2 when an amount is present on line 3, "U.S. government interest," and on line 12, "Bond premium on Treasury obligations," of federal screen INT.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • EF Message 0100 is now produced when both "Check this box if partner is a nonresident" and "Owner elects Resident PTET" are selected on MT screen K1, preventing reject "PTE-K1-E10."
    • EF Message 0129 is now produced when there is not a refund present on MT Form PTE, but "Y-Yes" is selected from the "You are requesting a refund with this return" drop list on MT screen 1, preventing reject "FormPTE-E11."
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "AuthorizedRepName."

1065 Program Update 24

  • The correct bonus depreciation is now calculated when a "Qualified nonresidential property" option of A, B, or C is selected on screen 4562. Affected returns should be recalculated and reviewed for accuracy.
  • Question A on Form 3800 will now be answered "No" by default for all non-corporation returns.
  • Return Note 849 and EF Message 997 have been added to assist with e-filing Form 8283.

North Dakota Update 9

  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • "0.0" is now produced on line 14," Apportionment factor," Schedule FACT, of ND Form 60 when "Zero apportionment - No activity in state" is selected for ND on federal screen APPT.

Nebraska Update 12

  • S Corporations and Partnership Packages:
    • The period is no longer produced on line "Name" of NE Schedule K-1N.
  • Individual Package:
    • Text on NE screen EB has been updated.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • Amounts produced on Part A of NE Form PTC now flow as intended to line 21, "Credit for school district property taxes," and line 22, "Credit for community college property taxes," on NE Form 1065N.

New York Update 18

  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • Form NYCT606 has been updated to include tax-year benefit selections 13, 14, and 15.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • e-File specifications have been updated to prevent Error(116,6): "The element 'tiCorp' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'MAIL_CITY_ADR' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'MAIL_LN_2_ADR' in namespace '"
  • Corporation Package:
    • e-File specifications have been updated to prevent the following error: "' element is invalid - The value '-200' is invalid according to its datatype '"
  • Individual and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The NYC-5UBTI worksheet is now generated when the estimated tax liability exceeds $3,400 and federal screen ES has 2024 estimated tax selected as "CI" for New York City.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • An update prevents reject 05107: "The state is required if country code is United States (US) and Province is required if country code is Canada(CA). State/Province is required if Country Code is US or Canada (If MAIL_CNTRY_CD is US or CA, MAIL_STATE_ADR cannot be blank)."
  • Individual Package:
    • Return Note 399 is no longer generated when only one "Property key" is entered on NY screen 119.
  • Partnership Package:
    • Data on line 20, "Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction," of federal Form 1065 now automatically flows to line 23a, "Energy efficient commercial building deductions," of NY Form IT-204.

Ohio Update 26

  • Individual Package:
    • The intended amounts are now produced on OH Form SD 100 when data is entered on OH screen SDIP.
    • An update prevents Ohio reject "Reject OH-IT1040-136."
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Tot4738DirectTaxPaidAddBackAmt."

Oklahoma Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • OKDEP_ATT, "Oklahoma 511/511NR Dependent Attachment," has been added to the program to display dependent information when there are more than four dependents listed on the Oklahoma return.
  • S Corporation and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The complete address of the entity is now produced as expected at the bottom of OK Form EF-V.

General Program Update 29

  • General program update.

1120 Program Update 25

  • The correct bonus depreciation is now calculated when a "Qualified nonresidential property" option of A, B, or C is selected on screen 4562. Affected returns should be recalculated and reviewed for accuracy.
  • Part I of Form 4626 has been added to the program. Use screen 4626 to complete this form. Returns requiring Parts II - V of Form 4626 are not supported and must be paper filed.
  • Return Note 849 and EF Message 997 have been added to assist with e-filing Form 8283.
  • An update resolves reject "F8283-345-01."

1120S Program Update 26

  • The correct bonus depreciation is now calculated when a "Qualified nonresidential property" option of A, B, or C is selected on screen 4562. Affected returns should be recalculated and reviewed for accuracy.
  • Question A on Form 3800 now defaults to "No" for all non-corporation returns.
  • Return Note 849 and EF Message 997 have been added to assist with e-filing Form 8283.

990 Program Update 24

  • The IRS is now accepting form 990-T effective March 17, 2023.
  • The IRS is now accepting form 8868 effective March 17, 2023.

990 Program Update 25

  • The correct bonus depreciation is now calculated when a "Qualified nonresidential property" option of A, B, or C is selected on screen 4562. Affected returns should be recalculated and reviewed for accuracy.
  • Question A on Form 3800 now defaults to "No" for all non-corporation returns.

Texas Update 5

  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, Fiduciary, and Tax-Exempt Packages:
    • All TX forms, instructions, statements, and worksheets have been approved for printing.
    • Texas forms have been approved and are now available for e-file.

Utah Update 7

  • Individual Package:
    • The description for code 21 on UT screen 3 has been expanded to refer to any credit carryforward amounts.
    • The amended return worksheet for Form 40 now correctly reflects the standard deduction from the original return.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • Schedule K-1 of Form TC-41 is now correctly updated where an amount is entered in an override field for net investment income on UT screen K1.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • UT business rules for e-file have been updated.

Wisconsin Update 10

  • Individual Package:
    • Note 112 is now produced when there are no allowable tuition expense subtractions calculated on Wisconsin Tuition Expense Worksheet (WIWK_TE) due to income limits.
    • An amount is no longer produced on line 9, "Fill in the amount from line 5...," of section "Worksheet 1" on the Wisconsin Medical Care Insurance Worksheets (WIWKI_INS) when data is present on section "Worksheet 2."
  • Corporation Package:
    • WI Form Corp-ES is now produced when "Carry the calculated payment amount to the voucher" is selected on WI screen EXT.
  • Partnership Package:
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 23, "Income (loss)," Schedule 3K, of WI Form 3 when an amount is present on line 13a, "Cash contributions," Schedule 3K, of WI Form 3.
    • Override amounts entered on WI screen K1 now flow as intended to line 20, "Other information," on WI Schedule 3K-1.
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • Check box "Fill in Information using K-1 SIGNER as PTE Representative" has been added to WI screen PASS.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The intended amount is now calculated on line 17 of WI Schedule A-08.

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