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18488: 2024.03.22 - Drake23 Updates

Drake Tax Update Notes

2024.03.22 - Drake23 Updates


Alabama Update 12

  • Individual Package:
    • Amounts entered on federal screen INC now flow as intended to the "Income and Adjustments" section on AL Form 40 and 40NR, when applicable.
    • The taxpayer's first and last name are now produced as intended on AL Form NOL-85 when "T - Belongs to the primary taxpayer" is selected from the "TSJ" drop list on AL screen 85.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • EF Message 0350 is now produced when a negative amount is produced on line 5, "Enter the amount from AL Form 41," of AL Form NOL-F85A, and "Force NOL85A to print" is selected on AL screen F85A, prevent reject DRKPARSE on element "NOLALTaxableIncome."
    • An update prevents reject "SD-AL41-002" when wash sales or other adjustments are included in the calculation of line 2, "Total of capital gains and losses," of AL Schedule D.
  • Corporation and S Corporation Packages:
    • Negative amounts are now allowed on Schedule L, page 5, of AL Form 20S and Schedule F, page 4, of AL Form 20C.

General State Address and Pricing Update 14

  • Individual and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The Frederick County mailing address has been updated on VA Forms 760ES and 770ES.
  • Individual Package
    • AL Schedule RS will now be included in the "Client" and "Preparer" sets in View/Print mode.
    • MI worksheets WK_2 and PEN_WK have been renamed in View/Print mode to better reflect the naming conventions found in the instructions.
  • Partnership Package
    • HI Form N-201V has been added to Setup > Pricing.

Federal Program Update 27

  • An update prevents rejects "F8283-031-01" and "F8283-033-01."
  • EF Message 1122 is now produced when invalid data is entered in the "Entity EIN" field on screen 8283, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "OriginalNoncashEIn."
  • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on elements "aCNameplateCapSolarEgyKWQty" and "dCSolarEnergyProopCapKWQty" regarding Form 3468.

California Update 14

  • Individual Package:
    • CA Form 3567 has been updated to the latest version per recent CA guidelines.
    • Negative wage amounts are no longer allowed on line 1a, "Total amount from federal Form(s) W-2, box 1," of CA Schedule CA (540NR) when there are no wages entered on federal screen W2.
    • The amount in box 6, "Taxable grants," on federal screen 99G is no longer included in the calculation on line 1a, "Total amount from federal Form(s) W-2, box 1," of CA Schedule CA.

Georgia Update 13

  • Individual Package:
    • GA Form 500 is now produced when an entry is made on line 7b, "Number of Unborn Dependents" of GA screen 1.

1040 Program Update 33

  • Form 7206 is no longer produced when the SEP deduction offsets self-employment income. Returns with large SEP contributions entered on screen SEP and self-employed health insurance entered on screen SEHI should be reviewed for accuracy.
  • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "CapitalGainDistributionsAmt" regarding Schedule D.
  • The spouse's last name, when different from the taxpayer's, is now displayed on Form 5695.
  • EF Message 3076 is now produced when the applicable year has not been entered on section "This 8332 can only be used to release or revoke a claim...," of screen 8332, preventing reject "DRKPARSE"  on element "IRS8332."

Iowa Update 35

  • Individual Package:
    • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "PartIII" on Form IA 100H, Part III, line 5.
    • Data on Form IA 100G, Part VIII, line 3 now flows to Form IA 1040, Schedule 1, line 16 as intended.
  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • Overflow pages for Form IA 4562B are now produced when applicable.

Kansas Update 10

  • Fiduciary Package:
    • The intended allocated amount is now calculated on line 1, "Federal ordinary income," of KS Schedule K-1.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • The overpayment amount entered on the "2024 estimated taxes to be paid" section of federal screen ES with "KS" selected from the "ST/city" drop list now flows as intended to line 50, "Credit forward,"  on Form K-120S.
  • Corporation, S Corporation, and Partnership Packages:
    • EF Message 783 is now be produced when "Generate an extension" is selected on federal screen EXT.

Louisiana Update 11

    • Partnership Package:
      • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Percent."

    Maine Update 17

    • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
      • ME information has been updated on the Comprehensive Results Letter.
    • Individual Package:
      • An update prevents reject "ME1040-038" requiring ME Worksheet A when ME Schedule NRH is present in the return and when the filing status on ME Form 1040 is different than the filing status on federal Form 1040.
      • An update prevents reject "ME1040-027" when more than one Form 1099ME is present in the return.
      • An update prevents reject "DRKPARSE" on element 'DaySpent."
      • An update prevents reject "ME1040-040" when the taxpayer has only Maine-sourced income and is a nonresident of ME.

    Montana Update 14

    • Individual Package:
      • EF Message 0159 is now produced when a negative amounts is entered on line 17, "Additional to taxable Social Security benefits," of MT screen SCH1, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "USAmountNNType."
      • The intended Social Security amount is now produced on line 12, "Social Security benefits," page 8, of MT Form 2 for MT part-year residents.
    • Partnership and S Corporation Packages:
      • EF Message 0089 is now produced when override amounts are entered on section "Part 5- Information" of MT screen K1, preventing reject "FormPTE-K1-E2."
    • Fiduciary Package:
      • EF Message 0133 is now produced when the amount on line 40 of MT Form FID-3 does not equal the amount of line 40a, "Total Montana mineral royalty tax withheld," minus line 40b, "Mineral royalty tax  withheld...," preventing reject "FormFID-E022."

    1065 Program Update 26

    • "K-1, Item K3" tab has been added to screen K1. Use this screen to create a statement for Code X in Box 20 on Schedule K-1.

    North Carolina Update 11

    • Partnership Package:
      • A rounding error that could occur in some scenarios has been corrected on line 25, "Tax due," Page 3, of NC Form D-403, resolving reject NCD403-1415.

    New Mexico Update 13

    • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
      • The "State ID number" entered on Setup > Firm(s) now flows as intended to line "NMBTIN" on the "Paid Preparer's use only" section of applicable NM forms.
    • Individual Package:
      • The intended amount is now calculated on line 29, "New Mexico income tax withheld from or paid...," on NM Form PIT-1.
      • The Child Income Tax Credit is now produced on line 25 of NM Form PIT-RC when "R- Taxpayer is a Resident" is selected from the "Taxpayer's residency" drop list on NM screen 1.

    New York Update 19

    • Individual Package:
      • Line 20, "Interest income on state and local bonds," on NY Form IT-201 has been updated to a 100% limitation for Bond Premium adjustments for Non NYS Bonds.
      • NY EF Message 517 no longer produced when "APPLIED SSN" has been entered in the "SSN" field on federal screen 2 for more than one dependent.
      • The intended tax rate is now produced on line "Marginal tax rate,"of the Three-year State Tax Return Comparison Worksheet (NY-COMP).
    • Partnership Package:
      • The "Designee's phone number" and "Tax Matters Person" are now produced as intended on NY Form IT-204 when "The Tax Matters Person...," is selected and the phone number is entered on line "Ph#" on NY screen 1.

    Oklahoma Update 11

    • Individual Package:
      • EF Message 192 is now produced when an invalid date is entered in the "Date Acquired" field on OK screen 561, preventing reject "DRKPARSE" on element "Property."
      • The intended "Date of Payment" is now produced on OK Form OW-8-P when a date is entered on line, "Date underpayment was paid," on OK screen PEN.
    • S Corporation Package:
      • The intended shareholders are now produced on Schedule A, page 11, of OK Form 512-S.
      • Check box "Income is from Oil and Gas production, Mining or Farming" has been added to OK screen 512S and will allow data to flow to column B, page 4, of OK Form 512-S.
    • Partnership Package:
      • An update resolves reject "DRKPARSE" on element "USAddress."
    • Fiduciary Package:
      • The total income from all OK Forms 500-B now flow as intended to box "Total amount of income reported with this form," on OK Form 501.
    • Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
      • An update resolves reject "R0000-003.

    1120 Program Update 27

    • General program update.

    1120S Program Update 28

    • General program update.

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