

Knowledge Base

10702: GruntWorx - Diagnostics


How can I review if there are any issues with a GruntWorx job?

GruntWorx provides a diagnostic sheet or diagnostic notes that identify job issues. The GruntWorx system flags individual pages of your GruntWorx job and attaches a Customer Diagnostic Note (CDN) which are delivered to you via the diagnostic sheet. The diagnostic sheet is included with the Organize, Populate, and Trades files that are placed in the GruntWorx folder of the Document Manager after the job has been downloaded. These notes serve as a form of communication between GruntWorx, you, and our support team.

The following are examples of CDNs that will be used:

  • Wash sale, adjusted cost basis or other non-supported transaction not supplied for extraction – Please verify
  • More than one form/record on this page – Only one form/record extracted
  • Illegible field(s) on page – Not extracted
  • Incomplete, split or reverse order Consolidated 1099 document – For best results please scan in numeric page order in its entirety
  • Only Consolidated 1099s supported for extraction
  • Multi-page form – Only one page contained extractable data
  • Trade calculation error – Columns and or rows don’t add up, please check numbers on this page
  • Unable to determine if covered trade
  • Duplicate Consolidated 1099 or Original Consolidated 1099 accompanying Corrected – Not extracted

If you receive any CDNs, review the flagged page for accuracy before importing, and if applicable, resubmit the job with the proper corrections made for validation. Open the Organize PDF and use the links in the CDN to take you to the source of the problem.

This is what a Diagnostic Sheet looks like:

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