

Knowledge Base

10800: Online Reports - Overview

Online Reports

Can I run reports to get information about the status of returns and other e-file data online? 


Yes, you can get information about the status of electronically filed returns in real-time online. You can run reports on returns, checks and fees, or search for electronic filing information for a single SSN or EIN. To do so, log in to the Drake Support website with your User Account credentials. Expand the Reports menu, and choose from the available reports. Filters and other settings/options vary for the report selected.

Available Reports

Add-on Fees

E-file Status Lookup

  • Search by last name, SSN or EIN. Only information about the filer's return e-file status is displayed (for example, shows Federal 1040 Accepted 1/1/20YY, Refund $200.00). More detailed return data is displayed when running the Returns report (below). 



  • Allows you to list pending, accepted, and rejected state and federal returns, as well as extensions. Queries can be limited to a date range, data can be sorted, and filters can be saved for future reference. Once the query is submitted, you can search by name and the results display more detailed information regarding transmissions. You can also choose to print the taxpayer results, including the submission ID, and get the 9325 form from this report. 

Bank Products

  • Queries can be limited to a date range, data can be sorted, and filters can be saved for future reference.


  • Allows reporting on checks by check status (printable, pending, and cleared). Queries can be limited to a date range, data can be sorted, and filters can be saved for future reference.



  • Reports on all of the fees (prep fees, bank fees, etc.) that are charged throughout a transaction. Reports may be filtered by fee type and by date.


  • The MOM Menu is for Multi-Office Manager (MOM) reports. MOM is the online version of the Client Status Manager. It is designed for the multi-office environment and allows you to track the work flow of multiple offices, providing a snapshot of your entire business.
  • Note: Companies with multiple EFINs that wish to use MOM must have an EFIN hierarchy configured and the individual offices must set the software to transmit CSM data (Setup > Options > EF tab; under Session Options, select Transmit return data to Drake for multi-office web reports, and click OK to save changes).

Contact List Report

  • provides a contact list of your filed clients

94X Report

  • refers to 94x filings made from Drake Accounting

ABC Voice File Download

  • is a component of software used to provide automated phone status reports for tax preparers (for more information, call Versicom at (937) 438-3700).

Suppressed Returns

  • Any suppressed returns will be listed here.

EF Summary

Preparer Summary

Zip Code Summary

Returns Summary

Returns by ACK Summary

Reject Overview

Protection Plus Enrollments

Protection Plus Summary

Report Column Definitions

The following selections are available in online database reports. Not all selections are available for all reports. 

Column Title  Description
Accts Paid The number of federal individual return transmissions where some preparer fees were deposited
ACK Code The status of the return
Ack Date The date of the return acknowledgement as specified by the IRS/state
Acptd The number of accepted federal returns
Acptd Fed The number of accepted federal return transmissions
Acptd Pct The percentage of federal individual return transmissions that were accepted that transmission
Add-On Fee The add-on fee deposited for this return
Address The address of the primary and secondary (if applicable) taxpayer(s)
Amount The date when the ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software
Amount The date when the ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software
AOF Accts Paid The number of federal individual return transmissions where fees were paid and add-on fees were completely paid
AOF Under Funded The number of federal individual return transmissions where fees were paid and add-on fees were not completely paid
Avg Fee Average Fees deposited, calculated by dividing Fees Deposited by Accounts Paid
Avg Refund The average refund amount for accepted or rejected federal return transmissions
Avg Refund The average refund of the above returns
Bank The number of accepted federal return transmissions with an associated bank product
Bank Acptd The number of accepted federal returns with accepted bank products
Bank Pct The percentage of the accepted federal individual return transmissions with an associated bank product
Bank Pct Acptd The percentage of accepted federal returns with bank products that Prep Avg Fee accepted bank products
Bank Product The current bank product associated with the return
Bank Total The number of accepted federal returns with bank products
Bill Total The bill total of the return
Bill Total The Bill Total of the return
Cell Phone Cell Phone Number
City City
Clear Date The date when the bank cleared the check
Current Type The type of bank product offered
DCN The Declaration Control Number
DD Date The date when the preparer fees for this return were deposited
Deposits The total amount deposited thus far for this bank product
EFIN The Electronic Filing Identification Number
Email Address The email address of the primary taxpayer
Fees The sum of the preparation fees, document preparation fees, and e-filing fees
Fees Dpstd The sum of the deposited preparers' fees
Hide Return Hide return from search results
Last 4 SSN The last four digits of the primary taxpayer's Social Security Number
Loan Status The status of the bank product
Name The name(s) of the primary and secondary (if applicable) taxpayer(s)
Number Check Number
Number The check number
Original Type The type of bank product requested
Pct Acptd The percentage of the Total Returns that were accepted
Pending The number of pending federal returns that were not accepted in the specified date range
Phone 1 Phone 1 number
Phone 2 Phone 2 number
Potential Rev Potential Revenue, calculated by multiplying Average Fee by Number Accepted
Prep The Preparer ID
Prep Accts Paid The number of accepted federal returns with preparers' fee deposits
Prep Acptd Pending Total The sum of preparation fees, document preparation fees, and e-filing fees for accepted and pending federal returns
Prep Acptd to Pending The percentage of preparers' fees associated with accepted federal returns versus the preparers’ fees associated with accepted and pending federal returns
Prep Avg Fee The average preparation fee, calculated by dividing the Prep Total by the Bank Total
Prep Dpstd The sum of preparers' fees deposits associated with accepted federal returns
Prep Fees The sum of the deposited preparers' fees
Prep Pending Total The sum of the preparation fees, document preparation fees, and e-filing fees associated with pending federal returns
Prep Total The sum of preparation fees, document preparation fees, and e-filing fees for accepted federal returns
Preparer Fees The preparers fees deposited for this return
Print Date The date when the check was printed
Prior Number The number associated with the prior check if this check is a reprint
Ratio The percentage of the hierarchy’s deposited preparers' fees that this preparer received
Ratio The percentage of the hierarchy’s total refund that this ZIP code receives
Record Type The record type of the return:
0 – Fed individual (1040-type)
1 – State individual (includes state individual extensions)
2 – No longer used
3 – Federal extensions
4 – Fed and state business
5 – FBAR/FinCen
Refund Amount The refund amount of the return
Refunds The sum of the refunds
Reject Code #1 The reject code for the return
Reject Code #2 The second reject code for the return
Reject Code #3 The third reject code for the return
Reprint Count The number of times the authorized check disbursement has been reprinted
Returns The number of returns
Rjctd The number of federal returns that were not accepted in the specified date range
Service Bureau Fees The service bureau's fees deposited for this return
SSN Last 4 The last four digits of the primary taxpayer's Social Security Number
State State
Tax Year The tax year of the return
Total The total number of federal individual return transmissions that were accepted or rejected
Total Returns The total number of federal returns transmitted
Trans Date The date when the ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software
Transaction Date The date when the ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software
Type  The type of return
ZIP ZIP code

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