Paid |
The number of federal individual return
transmissions where some preparer fees were deposited |
ACK Code |
The status of the
return |
Ack Date |
The date of the return
acknowledgement as specified by the IRS/state |
Acptd |
The number of accepted federal returns |
Acptd Fed |
The number of
accepted federal return transmissions |
Pct |
The percentage of federal individual
return transmissions that were accepted that transmission |
Add-On Fee |
The add-on fee
deposited for this return |
Address |
The address of
the primary and secondary (if applicable) taxpayer(s) |
Amount |
The date when the ERO transmitted the return to Drake
Software |
Amount |
The date when the
ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software |
Accts Paid |
The number of federal individual return
transmissions where fees were paid and add-on fees were completely paid |
Under Funded |
The number of federal individual return
transmissions where fees were paid and add-on fees were not completely paid |
Fee |
Average Fees deposited, calculated by
dividing Fees Deposited by Accounts Paid |
Avg Refund |
The average
refund amount for accepted or rejected federal return transmissions |
Avg Refund |
The average
refund of the above returns |
Bank |
The number of accepted federal return
transmissions with an associated bank product |
Acptd |
The number of accepted federal returns
with accepted bank products |
Pct |
The percentage of the accepted federal
individual return transmissions with an associated bank product |
Pct Acptd |
The percentage of accepted federal
returns with bank products that Prep Avg Fee accepted bank products |
Bank Product |
The current bank product associated
with the return |
Total |
The number of accepted federal returns
with bank products |
Bill Total |
The bill total of the return |
Bill Total |
The Bill Total of
the return |
Cell Phone |
Cell Phone Number |
City |
City |
Clear Date |
The date when the
bank cleared the check |
Current Type |
The type of bank
product offered |
The Declaration Control Number |
DD Date |
The date when the
preparer fees for this return were deposited |
Deposits |
The total amount
deposited thus far for this bank product |
The Electronic
Filing Identification Number |
Email Address |
The email address
of the primary taxpayer |
Fees |
The sum of the preparation fees,
document preparation fees, and e-filing fees |
Dpstd |
The sum of the deposited preparers' fees |
Hide Return |
Hide return from
search results |
Last 4 SSN |
The last four digits of the primary
taxpayer's Social Security Number |
Loan Status |
The status of the
bank product |
Name |
The name(s) of the primary and
secondary (if applicable) taxpayer(s) |
Number |
Check Number |
Number |
The check number |
Original Type |
The type of bank
product requested |
Acptd |
The percentage of the Total Returns that
were accepted |
Pending |
The number of pending federal returns
that were not accepted in the specified date range |
Phone 1 |
Phone 1 number |
Phone 2 |
Phone 2 number |
Rev |
Potential Revenue, calculated by
multiplying Average Fee by Number Accepted |
Prep |
The Preparer ID |
Accts Paid |
The number of accepted federal returns
with preparers' fee deposits |
Acptd Pending Total |
The sum of preparation fees, document
preparation fees, and e-filing fees for accepted and pending federal returns |
Acptd to Pending |
The percentage of preparers' fees
associated with accepted federal returns versus the preparers’ fees
associated with accepted and pending federal returns |
Avg Fee |
The average preparation fee, calculated
by dividing the Prep Total by the Bank Total |
Dpstd |
The sum of preparers' fees deposits
associated with accepted federal returns |
Prep Fees |
The sum of the
deposited preparers' fees |
Pending Total |
The sum of the preparation fees,
document preparation fees, and e-filing fees associated with pending federal
returns |
Total |
The sum of preparation fees, document
preparation fees, and e-filing fees for accepted federal returns |
Preparer Fees |
The preparers
fees deposited for this return |
Print Date |
The date when the
check was printed |
Prior Number |
The number
associated with the prior check if this check is a reprint |
Ratio |
The percentage of
the hierarchy’s deposited preparers' fees that this preparer received |
Ratio |
The percentage of
the hierarchy’s total refund that this ZIP code receives |
Record Type |
The record type
of the return:
0 – Fed individual (1040-type)
1 – State individual (includes state individual extensions)
2 – No longer used
3 – Federal extensions
4 – Fed and state business
5 – FBAR/FinCen |
Refund Amount |
The refund amount
of the return |
Refunds |
The sum of the
refunds |
Reject Code #1 |
The reject code for the return |
Reject Code #2 |
The second reject code for the return |
Reject Code #3 |
The third reject code for the return |
Reprint Count |
The number of
times the authorized check disbursement has been reprinted |
Returns |
The number of
returns |
Rjctd |
The number of federal returns that were
not accepted in the specified date range |
Service Bureau Fees |
The service
bureau's fees deposited for this return |
SSN Last 4 |
The last four
digits of the primary taxpayer's Social Security Number |
State |
State |
Tax Year |
The tax year of the return |
Total |
The total number of federal individual
return transmissions that were accepted or rejected |
Returns |
The total number of federal returns
transmitted |
Trans Date |
The date when the
ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software |
Transaction Date |
The date when the
ERO transmitted the return to Drake Software |
Type |
The type of return |
ZIP code |