

Knowledge Base

11615: 1099-DIV - Restricted Stock Dividends and Non-taxable Income

1040 Individual

Where do I enter Restricted Stock Dividends? Where do I put non-taxable income for box 3 of 1099-DIV?


Restricted Dividends can be entered in the section near the bottom of the DIV screen in the section Amount that is in the box Restricted Dividends included in box 1a. Per the field help: "Enter the total amount of dividends received on restricted stock that is included in box 1a. The program will reduce the calculated amount for box 1a by this amount. See IRS Publication 525 for information on how to report dividends on restricted stock."

You can enter non-taxable, non-dividend distributions for state e-file purposes on the DIV screen, line 3An entry is not required for federal purposes. Per the field help: "Shows the part of the distribution that is nontaxable because it is a return of the taxpayer's cost (or other basis). You must reduce the cost (or other basis) by this amount for figuring gain or loss when taxpayer sells stock. But if he or she gets back all the cost (or other basis), report future distributions as capital gains. See Publication 550."

See also Publication 17 for more information on Non-dividend Distributions.

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