

Knowledge Base

12270: FL - Corporate Assets are Duplicated


This 1120 seems to be doubling the assets in the Florida return.  In data entry, I see the Florida assets doubled on line 49 and line 2. It then pulls to the FL405-A1 through A3.

If an asset has been physically removed, but it still exists on a FL 405D Line Itemized Listing screen, then do one of the following –

  • If you created a FL 405D screen, but not a FL 405B screen, on the FL 405D screen either: 
    • check the Physically Removed 20YY box, or
    • enter a Removal Method (i.e., Retired, Sold, Traded).
      This carries the asset’s information to the correct section of the FL 405 form, but does not create a FL 405B screen.
  • If you created both a FL 405B and a FL 405D screen for the same asset, delete (Ctrl + D) the 405D screen.

The FL program will automatically carry the Federal 4562 information to the appropriate FL 405 screen, however, any changes must be made on the FL > 405 screen as well as the Federal 4562 screen. The FL program will not delete FL 405D screens automatically; you must do this manually as needed.

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