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13833: Top Federal Rejects

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Reject Code Reject Text Notes
7037 Drake does not have a record of an accepted bank application. If you have completed a bank application on Drake's website, you may need to check the status with the bank, or on the website. Until your application has been accepted, you cannot file tax returns with bank products.
See KB 16039
F1040-007 If the filing status of the return is married filing jointly, then 'SpouseSSN' in the Return Header must have a value. Enter Spouse SSN on federal screen 1.
F1040-034-07 Form 1040, 'WithholdingTaxAmt' must be equal to the sum of the following: [(1) all Forms 1099-R, 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt' and (2) all 'WithholdingAmt' in [OtherWithholdingStatement] and (3) all Forms W-2, 'WithholdingAmt' and (4) all Forms W-2G, 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt' and (5) Form 8959, 'AddlMedcrRRTTaxWithholdingAmt' and (6) 'TotalAmt' in [BackupWhSchedulesK1Statement] and (7) all Forms RRB 1042-S, 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt' and (8) all Forms SSA 1042-S, ('NetTaxWithheldAmt' if it has a non-zero value, otherwise 'FederalIncomeTaxWithheldAmt')] unless Form 8958 is present in the return. When evaluating this, a tolerance of $5.00 is allowed. Verify all federal withholding amounts.
F1040-068-03 If Form 1040, 'Earned Income Credit Amount' has a non-zero value and Schedule EIC (Form 1040) is not present, then the Primary or Spouse must be at least 25 years old but less than 65 years old. See KB 10886
F1040-071-07 Form 1040, 'WithholdingTaxAmt' must be less than the sum of thefollowing: [ 'WagesAmt' and 'TipIncomeAmt' and 'TaxableInterestAmt'and 'OrdinaryDividendsAmt' and ('IRADistributionsAmt' or'TaxableIRAAmt') and ( 'PensionsAnnuitiesAmt' or'TotalTaxablePensionsAmt' ) and 'SocSecBnftAmt' and Schedule 1 (Form1040), ( 'UnemploymentCompAmt' and 'TotalOtherIncomeAmt' ) and ( allSchedule C (Form 1040), 'TotalGrossReceiptsAmt' )] unless one of thefollowing is true: (1) Form 1040, 'CapitalGainLossAmt' has a non-zerovalue; (2) Schedule 1 (Form 1040), 'OtherGainLossAmt' or'RentalRealEstateIncomeLossAmt' or 'NetFarmProfitLossAmt' has anon-zero value; (3) Combat Pay has been excluded from wages. Verify withholding and wage entries along with any amounts excluded from income.
F1040-087-02 Form 1040, 'Earned Income Credit Amount' must have a zero value if an amount is entered.e-File database indicates the taxpayer is not allowed to claim Earned Income Credit for the tax year. The IRS e-file database shows that the taxpayer is not allowed to claim EIC this year.
F1040-164-01 Form 8862 must be present in the return with Earned Income Credit Claimed Indicator checked. The e-File database indicates the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to claim Earned Income Credit after disallowance. See KB 10508
F1040-448 Form 8862 must be present in the return with American Opportunity Tax Credit Claimed Indicator checked. The e-File database indicates the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to claim American Opportunity Tax Credit after disallowance. Complete Form 8862 related to the AOTC.
F1040-516 If Form 1040, 'PrimaryClaimAsDependentInd' is not checked, then the Primary SSN must not be the same as a Dependent SSN on another return filed for the same tax year Verify the taxpayer's SSN and whether someone else claimed them on another return. If they were claimed as a dependent on another return, check the box "Dependent of Another" on federal screen 1 and re-file. Otherwise, contact the IRS.
F1040-518 If Form 1040, 'SpouseClaimAsDependentInd' is not checked, then the Spouse SSN must not be the same as a Dependent SSN on another return filed for the same tax year. Verify the spouse's SSN and whether someone else claimed them on another return. If they were claimed as a dependent on another return, check the box "Dependent of Another" on federal screen 1 and re-file. Otherwise, contact the IRS.
F1040NR-524 If 'PINTypeCd' in the Return Header has the value "Self-Select On-Line", then 'PrimaryBirthDt' must match the e-File database. Verify the date of birth for the taxpayer.
F1041-032-08 If Form 1041, Item A checkbox 'Qualified Disability Trust' is checked, then 'Exemption Amount' must be less than 4701. See KB 11181
F1099R-502-02 The payer's EIN on the 1099 doesn't match what is in the e-File database. Verify the EIN entered on the 1099 screen.
F1099R-505-02 Form 1099-R, 'PayerEIN' was issued after the Tax Year in the Return Header. Verify that the EIN entered on the 1099 screen matches the source document. If it matches, contact the issuer.
F1310-518 Form 1310, Name Control of the person claiming refund 'PersonNameControlTxt' and SSN of Person claiming Refund 'RefundClaimantSSN' must match the e-File database. Verify the entry for Last name and SSN on screen 1310.
F2441-526 Each Form 2441 'QualifyingPersonSSN' provided must not be the same as a Form 2441 'QualifyingPersonSSN' of another accepted tax return for the same tax year. On the 2441 screen, verify that the SSN has been entered correctly and that the child was not claimed on another return.
F7004-011-03 The entity's EIN has already been used in an accepted return of the same type for the same tax period. See KB 13918
F7004-904-01 Form 7004, the tax year ending date must match the data in the e-file database unless one of the checkboxes - "Initial Return", "Final Return" or "Consolidated return to be filed" is checked. See KB 15253
F7004-905-03 The type of the return seeking extension isn't the return type shown in IRS records. See KB 15253
F8863-512-02 For each student in Form 8863, Line 20 'StudentNameControlTxt' and Line 21 'StudentSSN' must match e-File database. Verify the last name and SSN used for the student selected on the 8863 screen. Enter any changes on screen 1 or 2, calculate the return, and re-select the student from the drop list on the 8863 screen.
F8863-528-03 Each Student SSN that has a value on Form 8863, must not be the same as that in another Form 8863 for the same tax year. Verify the last name and SSN used for the student selected on the 8863 screen. Enter any changes on screen 1 or 2, calculate the return, and re-select the student from the drop list on the 8863 screen.
F8962-070 The e-File database indicates that Form 8962 or a binary attachment with description containing 'ACA Explanation' must be present in the return. See KB 17542
F9465-028 If 'PINTypeCd' in the Return Header has the value "Self-Select On-Line", then 'PrimaryBirthDt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database. Verify the date of birth for the taxpayer on federal screen 1.
FPYMT-071-01 'RequestedPaymentDt' in the IRS Payment Record must not be more than 5 days prior to the received date. Verify the requested payment date on the PMT screen. See KB 10136.
FW2-001-03 The sum of all Form W-2s, 'WagesAmt' must not be greater than the sumof ['WagesSalariesAndTipsAmt' in the return and (sum of all Schedule C(Form 1040), 'TotalGrossReceiptsAmt' when 'StatutoryEmployeeFromW2Ind'is checked)] unless Form 8958 or Form 8839 is present in the return. When evaluating this, a tolerance of $5.00 is allowed. See KB 12905
FW2-502 The Employer's EIN on the W-2 must match what the IRS has for the employer. See KB 10630
FW2-505-01 Form W-2, Line B 'EmployerEIN' was issued after the Tax Year in the Return Header. Verify the EIN entered on the W2 screen.
FW2G-502 Form W-2G, 'PayerEIN' must match data in the e-File database. Verify the EIN entered on the W2G screen.
IND-031-04 PrimaryPriorYearPIN' or 'PrimaryPriorYearAGIAmt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database. Check the taxpayer's prior year PIN entry on the PIN screen.
IND-032-04 SpousePriorYearPIN' or 'SpousePriorYearAGIAmt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database. Check the spouse's prior year PIN entry on the PIN screen.
IND-035-01 PrimaryDeathDt' in the return must match that in the e-File database. Verify the date of death for the taxpayer entered on screen 1.
IND-036-01 SpouseDeathDt' in the return must match that in the e-File database. Verify the date of death for the spouse entered on screen 1.
IND-116-01 Each dependent in 'DependentDetail' on the return with 'EligibleForChildTaxCreditInd' checked must be under the age of 17. You may be eligible to claim the 'Credit for other dependents' if you meet the requirements for the credit. See KB 14862
IND-165-01 Form 8862 must be present in the return. The e-File database indicates the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to claim Child Tax Credit or Other Dependent Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit after disallowance. See KB 10508
IND-180-01 Taxpayer IP PIN did not match IRS database See KB 16543
IND-181-01 Taxpayer IP PIN missing See KB 16543
IND-182-01 The Spouse Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) must match the e-File database. Please double check your entry and resubmit your return with the correct number. See KB 16543
IND-183-01 The Spouse did not enter a valid Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN). Please visit for further information and resubmit your return with the correct number. See KB 16543
IND-452 In an original return, the Primary SSN in the Return Header must not be the same as the TIN of a previously accepted electronic Individual return filed for the same tax period. See KB 10599
IND-507 A Dependent SSN in 'DependentDetail' on the return was used as a Dependent SSN on a previously accepted return for the same tax period. Verify if someone else claimed the dependent on another return.
IND-508-01 The taxpayer's SSN must not be equal to a spouse's SSN on another return if the filing status is MFJ or MFS and the spouse exemption is claimed. See KB 10599
IND-510-02 Spouse's SSN should not match the Primary taxpayer's SSN on another return. See KB 10599
IND-511-01 For the filing status selected in the return, the Primary SSN in the Return Header must not be the same as the Spouse SSN on another return for the same tax year with filing status Married filing separately. See KB 10599
IND-515-01 The Primary SSN in the Return Header must not be the same as the Primary SSN in another return filed for the same tax year See KB 10599
IND-517-01 A Dependent SSN in the return must not be the same as the Primary or Spouse SSN on another return where 'PrimaryClaimAsDependentInd' or 'SpouseClaimAsDependentInd' is not checked. If the spouse is claimed as a dependent on another return, they cannot claim dependents on their own return.
IND-521-01 The Year of Birth of the Primary SSN must not be greater than the 'TaxYr' in the Return Header. Verify the date of birth for the taxpayer on federal screen 1.
IND-524 If 'PINTypeCd' in the Return Header has the value "Self-Select On-Line" and the filing status of the return is not married filing jointly, then 'PrimaryBirthDt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database. Verify the date of birth for the taxpayer on federal screen 1.
IND-531-01 If Primary Date of Death has a value in the e-File database, then it must not be prior to the 'TaxYr' in the Return Header. If the taxpayer died in a prior tax year, the return cannot be e-filed.
IND-532-01 If Spouse Date of Death has a value in the e-File database, then it must not be prior to the 'TaxYr' in the Return Header. If the spouse died in a prior tax year, the return cannot be e-filed.
IND-544 If there are dependents provided on the return, then the Primary SSN in the Return Header must not be the same as a Dependent SSN on a previously accepted return for the same tax period. If the taxpayer is claimed as a dependent on another return, they cannot claim dependents on their own return.
IND-570-01 The Year of Birth of the Spouse SSN must not be greater than the 'TaxYr' in the Return Header. Verify the date of birth for the spouse on federal screen 1.
IND-674-01 If the Primary Taxpayer is under the age of 16 and has never filed a tax return, then 'PINTypeCd' in the Return Header must not have the value "Self-Select On-Line". See KB 13155 and the IRS for info about PINs.
IND-675-01 If the Primary Taxpayer is under the age of 16 and has never filed a tax return, then 'PINTypeCd' in the Return Header must not have the value "Self-Select Practitioner". See KB 13155 and the IRS for info about PINs.
IND-679-01 If the Spouse SSN in the Return Header is under the age of 16 and did not file a tax return in the previous year, then the 'PINTypeCd' must not have the value "Self-Select On-Line". See KB 13155 and the IRS for info about PINs.
IND-680-01 If the Spouse SSN in the Return Header is under the age of 16 and did not file a tax return in the previous year, then the 'PINTypeCd' must not have the value "Self-Select Practitioner". See KB 13155 and the IRS for info about PINs.
IND-901 The Primary SSN in the Return Header has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual. See KB 13918
IND-931-01 The Dependent SSN (or Qualifying Child Identifying Number on Form 1040-SS) has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual See KB 13918
IND-941-01 The Spouse SSN in the Return Header has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual. See KB 13918
IND-995 The Dependent/Qualifying Person Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) must match the e-File database. Please double check your entry and resubmit your return with the correct number. See KB 16543
IND-996 The Dependent/Qualifying Person Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) provided on the return is not valid. Please visit for further information and resubmit your return with the correct number. See KB 16543
See KB 16247
R0000-024 If the Filer has a US address in the Return Header and 'StateAbbreviationCd' has the value "AP" then first three digits of the 'ZipCd' must be in the range 962 - 966. Verify the address and zip code entered on federal screen 1.
R0000-236 This submission contains a form or schedule which MeF is not accepting as a binary attachment. Please verify whether it is valid for your submission to include the form or schedule. If valid, complete the form or schedule in XML format and resubmit. See KB 18415
R0000-500-01 The taxpayer's SSN and Name doesn't match what the IRS e-File database has for the taxpayer. Check name and SSN of Taxpayer.
R0000-503-02 The spouse's SSN and Name don’t match what the IRS has for them. Verify the spouse last name and SSN entered on screen 1.
R0000-504-02 The Dependent's name and SSN must match what the IRS has for them in the e-File database. See KB 10429
R0000-533-02 If a Dependent's Date of Death has a value in the e-File database, then it must not be prior to 'TaxYr' in the Return Header. Verify the dependent date of death on screen 2.
R0000-571-02 For each DependentSSN in the tax return, the Year of Birth in the e-File database must not be greater than 'TaxYr' in the Return Header. Verify the dependent date of birth on screen 2.
R0000-900-01 The entity's EIN shown in the IRS records is for a different return type than what was filed. See KB 15253
R0000-901-01 Filer's EIN and Name Control in the Return Header must match data in the e-File database. See KB 15253
R0000-902-01 A return for the primary taxpayer has already been accepted this year. Check acks.
R0000-905-01 Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) in the Return Header must be listed in the e-File database and in accepted status. See KB 10186
R0000-922-01 Filer's EIN and Name Control in the Return Header must match data in the e-File database, unless "Name Change" or "Name or Address Change" checkbox is checked, if applicable. See KB 12293
S1-F1040-396 If the filing status of the return is married filing jointly and Form1040, 'AdjustedGrossIncomeAmt' plus (+) Schedule 1 (Form 1040),'StudentLoanInterestDedAmt' is greater than 170000, then'StudentLoanInterestDedAmt' must be zero if an amount is entered. See Publication 970.
S2-F1040-147 The e-File database indicates a First Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Primary SSN. Include amount on Schedule 2 (Form 1040), 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' and attach Form 5405 if required. See KB 10560
S2-F1040-394 Schedule 2 (Form 1040), 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' must not be greater than the First-Time Homebuyer Credit amount in the e-File database. See KB 11967
S2-F1040-429 The e-File database indicates a First-Time Homebuyer Installment Payment is due for the Spouse SSN. Include an amount on Schedule 2 (Form 1040), 'FirstTimeHmByrRepaymentAmt' and attach Form 5405 if required. See KB 10560
S8812-F1040-003-03 Schedule 8812 (Form 1040) Part II-A, Part II-B, and Part II-C must not have entries if Form 2555, 'TotalIncomeExclusionAmt' or 'HousingDeductionAmt' has a non-zero value. If the taxpayer has filed Form 2555, they cannot claim the additional child tax credit.
SA-F1040-002 If Schedule A (Form 1040), 'OtherThanByCashOrCheckAmt' is greater than 500, then Form 8283 must be attached. See KB 10189
SA-F8936-030 Schedule A (Form 8936), 'VIN' does not match the e-File database. Please resubmit the return using the correct VIN. If the VIN originally entered is correct, then a binary attachment or [GeneralDependencySmall] with description beginning with "SubstantiateVIN" must be present in the return. See KB 18410
SEIC-F1040-501-02 Each 'QualifyingChildNameControlTxt' that has a value on Schedule EIC(Form 1040), Line 1, and 'QualifyingChildSSN' that has a value on Line 2, must match that in the e-File database. See KB 10255
SEIC-F1040-506-03 The dependent claiming EIC has already been claimed on another accepted return. Verify if someone else claimed the dependent on another return.
SEIC-F1040-535-04 Child SSN / BirthYr on EIC must match IRS database Check date of birth for each dependent.
SEIC-F1040-536 Each child in Schedule EIC (Form 1040) must be younger than the tax payer, if filing status of the return is Single or Head of household or Qualifying surviving spouse. If for any child in Schedule EIC (Form 1040), 'ChildPermanentlyDisabledInd' has a choice of "Yes" indicated, this rule does not apply for that child. Check date of birth for each dependent. If the child is disabled, mark that box on screen 2.
SEIC-F1040-996-01 The Primary Taxpayer did not enter a valid Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) for Dependent/Qualifying Child on Schedule EIC (Form 1040). Please visit for further information and resubmit your return with the correct number. See KB 16543
SH-F1040-520-01 Schedule H (Form 1040), 'EmployerEIN' and 'EmployerNameControlTxt' must match data in the e-File database. Verify the EIN on the H screen.
  See KB 10778

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