How do I clear EF Message 6249 on the individual return?
EF Message 6249:
INCORRECT DATA ENTRY ON SCREEN 8962/95A: The taxpayer for this return is a dependent of another and thus is not entitled to a Premium Tax Credit. The taxpayer should deliver his or her Form 1095-A to the person claiming an exemption for him or her.
Return to screen 95A and/or 8962 of this return and delete the screen (press Ctrl + D).
This message is generated when there is a 95A screen and/or an 8962 screen entered on a return that is marked as a dependent of another on screen 1 Name and Address. To clear this message, verify if the Dependent of another checkbox should be marked on screen 1. If the checkbox is accurate, delete the 95A and/or the 8962 screen(s). This can be accomplished by going in data entry to the Health Care tab and opening the 95A and/or 8962 screen(s). Once the selected screen is open, hold down the CTRL key while simultaneously pressing the D key on your keyboard.
This EF Message was put into place to prevent transmission of returns that would trigger IRS rejects F8962-043 and/or F1040-801. The reject text reads as follows:
- F8962-043
If Form 8962, 'TotalExemptionsCnt' has a non-zero value, then
'AdditionalTaxLimitationAmt' must be equal to the tax limitation
amount from the Repayment Limitation table (see Form 8962
instructions) based on 'FederalPovertyLevelPct' and the filing status
on the return.
- F1040-801
Form 1040, Line 46 'PremiumTaxCreditTaxLiabAmt' must be equal to Form 8962, Line 29 'PremiumTaxCreditTaxLiabAmt'.
Error Category: Data Mismatch
Note: Rejects F8962-043 and F1040-801 are sometimes issued when the return is MFS and the return is under the 400% threshold. The return may have to be paper-filed. Contact Drake Support, (828) 524-8020.
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