

Knowledge Base

13953: Affordable Care Act Reports (ACA)

Custom Reports

How can I run a report to generate the Affordable Care Act information?

The steps below show how to set up a custom report that will find returns containing Affordable Care Act (ACA) information such as:
  • the number of ACA screens (Affordable Care Act Calculators)
  • whether there is full year coverage (box at top of 1040 in Drake18, line 61 of a 1040 in Drake17 and prior)
  • an Individual Shared Responsibility Payment (penalty reduced to zero starting in Drake19, per TCJA guidelines)
  • an advance payment of Premium Tax Credit
  • a repayment of advance Premium Tax Credit (repayment suspended on 2020 returns, per ARPA guidelines)

To set up a custom ACA report:

  1. Select Reports > Report Manager from the Home window of the software.
  2. Select New Report at the bottom of the Report Manager window.
  3. Select Tax return data when prompted and click OK. On the Report Editor – Step 1 window:
    1. Enter a name for the report.
    2. From Available Columns, select one or more of the five ACA column headers (ACA, ACA Full Year Coverage, ACA ISRP, ACA PTC, ACA PTC Repayment) and any other column headers desired. The column headers establish what data is displayed in a report.
    3. Click Next.
  4. On the Report Editor – Step 2 window, click Edit Filters. On the Filter Manager window, do this:
    1. Click New Filter, enter a filter name such as “ACA,” and click OK. Make sure the new filter is highlighted in the list. Filters limit what returns are displayed in a report.
    2. Click Add Condition to display the Filter Condition Editor. From the Keyword Name drop list, select one of the ACA keyword names and an appropriate Comparison Value:
      1. ACA - where screen ACA is present in a return, or how many are present.
      2. ACA Full Year Coverage - is not <Blank> or is equal to value X determines when full year coverage appears in a return (line 61 in a 1040).
      3. ACA ISRP - is at least value 1 determines if an Individual Shared Responsibility Payment is present in a return.
      4. ACA PTC - is at least value 1 determines if advance Premium Tax Credit is present in a return.
      5. ACA PTC Repayment - is at least value 1 determines if repayment of advance Premium Tax Credit is present in a return.
    3. If you add more than one Condition, select Match All Conditions or Match Any Condition.
    4. Click OK to save the filter condition.
    5. Click Save to save the filter.
  5. Click Save on the Report Editor – Step 2 window to save the report.

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