

Knowledge Base

11900: Batch Email - Client Appointment Reminders


Can I batch email appointment reminders to my clients?

Yes, you can email individual or batch scheduled appointment reminders to all clients for whom you have an email address in Scheduler (you must have a third-party email account set up and available in Drake Tax to email appointment reminders).

The recipient list draws from the Scheduler appointments, not from the client returns. Scheduler appointments do not automatically update. If you change the email address in a return after creating a Scheduler appointment and want to use the new address in your batch email, you have to update the appointment or enter the updated address in the appointment, before you create the recipient list at Help > Email.

Batch appointment emails:

At Help > Email you can use the Report Manager to prepare batch appointment reminder emails based on your Scheduler appointments. Recipient list email addresses come from the Scheduler, not from the client's return. Changing the email address in the client's return after you've created the appointment doesn't update the email address in the Scheduler appointment. You must update or reenter it in the Scheduler before you run the recipient list for the reminder emails.

If you want to confirm the email address list that you will use for the batch email before you set up the email, go to Reports > Report Manager. Select Scheduler Reports > Client Contact to open the list of client contact reports. For example, the report Preparer Appointments, by default, looks for any appointment in the current month, for all firms and for all preparers. You can view, modify and save the report. If you want the reminders to include appointments scheduled next month, you would edit the period covered by the report to include that month. This can also be done during the batch email process.

Set up and send the batch email (the logged-in user must have set up a third-party email account).

  1. Go to Help > Email. The email editor opens.
  2. Click the New icon on the toolbar.
  3. Click To and then click the link Create Report Generated Recipient List (upper right corner). Report Manager opens to the standard Scheduler Reports. (The link is not available if the logged-in user does not have a third-party email account available in the software.)
  4. Select a report under Scheduler Reports.
  5. Click View Report to run either a new or a previously-saved report and proceed to the batch email process. You can review the report results on the Email – Compose Message screen before you send the emails.
    1. To edit or review the report conditions before you run it, click Edit Report.
    2. Each column on the report is available as a keyword in the email.
  6. A notice of how many email addresses are found appears after you run the report. Click OK.
  7. Type the email, using the available keywords, if desired. The sample text below assumes the recipients already know of the scheduled appointment and the email is a reminder. Note that addresses on the To list of recipients can be reviewed with the Edit button.
  8. Click Send to send the batch email.

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