

Knowledge Base

15091: Direct Deposit (DAS)


Drake Accounting®: Can I use direct deposit for employee and/or vendor paychecks? 


Yes, direct deposit through Kotapay (formerly InterceptEFT) is available in Drake Accounting®. Before configuring DAS for direct deposit, you must first set up an account with Kotapay. Contact Kotapay at (800) 378-3328 or visit their website at for more information and pricing. Once you have sent your request for an account to Kotapay they will send a packet of information to you regarding your account. You will set up your information and the employer information on the Kotapay website directly. Direct deposit for employees is done inside DAS (see below for details).

Drake has negotiated discount pricing with Kotapay for this service. When speaking to Kotapay, you must identify yourself as a Drake client in order to take advantage of this special pricing.

Entering Pay Records for Direct Deposit

Printing Check Stubs

Transmit Direct Deposit

Payroll Processing

Script Error

Set up Direct Deposit

  1. Go to Firm > Direct Deposit Setup.
  2. Enter the figures from the authentication card that was given to you from Kotapay including the primary user PIN, UserID, and Password
    • The password must between 8 to 25 characters in length. 
    • The fields display asterisks.  
    • Kotapay sends new Authentication cards periodically. Enter the new letters and numbers each time you receive a new card.
  3. Select the correct number of days for the Processing Window.
    • Note: Kotapay must have received the file based on the contracted processing window in order to avoid increased processing fees.
  4. Click Save.

  1. Go to Employees > Employee Setup and/or Payables > Vendor Setup.
  2. Create or select the employee or vendor that will be using direct deposit.
  3. Go to the Direct Deposit tab.
  4. Check the box Direct Deposit Payroll Checks or Direct Deposit Checks.
  5. Select the Account Type to which the funds will be deposited on the Primary Account section. 
  6. Enter and retype (to confirm) the bank routing and account numbers.
  7. If splitting the deposit into two accounts, complete the Secondary Account section. If the primary and secondary accounts have the same routing number, select Use Primary Routing Number and complete the remaining items. You can choose an amount or a percentage to be deposited into the secondary account.
  8. Click Save.

Employee Setup: 

Vendor Setup: 

  1. Go to Employees > Payroll > Live or Payables > Payments > applicable payment screen.
  2. Enter details or changes about the pay just as you would for any other check.
  3. On the Live Payroll or vendor payment screen, enter the correct date for your Kotapay window in the Check Date Field.
  4. Select No Stub to suppress check printing when you prepare payroll for a direct deposit employee.
  5. After saving the pay record, check stubs are available for printing as described below.

Note: When No Stub is selected, the check date field on the Live Payroll screen determines the direct deposit date for Kotapay. Make sure this is correct. If the check date is within your Kotapay processing window, it will result in increased processing fees.

Direct Deposit cannot be used for After-the-fact (ATF) Payroll. 

  1. On the Check Print screen, select Direct Deposit to display the direct deposit employees/vendors and select the radio button Stubs only to print check stubs.
  2. Enter the correct Check Date for your Kotapay processing window.
  3. Click Print to print the check stub for the direct deposit employee/vendor.

Transmit Direct Deposit

  1. Go to Employees > Transmit Direct Deposit or Payables > Transmit Direct Deposit.
  2. Enter the beginning and ending check dates.
  3. Select the direct deposits to transmit.
  4. Click Transmit.

If the stubs aren't printing for Direct Deposit, go to Financial > Check & Stub Options and make sure that Print Employee Pay Stub for Direct Deposit Checks is checked. 


  1. A web browser window will open when you select Transmit.


  1. If your Status shows "Short Window" it means that the check was transmitted inside the processing window and additional processing fees could be incurred. You have a few options:
    • Select “Continue” to continue to process within the short window and possibly incur additional processing fees.
    • Select "Change Dates." This will allow you to change the date on the check(s) so that the processing will be within the normal processing window.
    • Choose to “Reject File. This will remove the file from the processing so you can start over.
      • Note: To actually change the date, you will need to click on the actual date on the transmission and not the “Change Date(s)” button.
        • If you double-click the date, the window Options to change dates will be displayed to allow you to adjust the check. You will select one of the three options and then “Change Date.”

        • If you click Show on the Directions line, you will find an explanation of a status:

        • Once you change the date, the website will bring you back to the upload file page.
  2. Click Continue once the file looks correct.
  3. You will then see a summary of the file and again have the option to Submit File, Reject File, or review the records in the batch by selecting Batch Summary.

  1. Click Submit File.
  2. You will then receive an upload receipt saying that the file has been uploaded. 

Report Processing

The below screen can be accessed by selecting Request Reports at the bottom of the Drake Accounting Direct Deposit and Transmit window. 

You can select the Directions, or select the available reports.

The reports can be printed using Adobe, Excel or CSV. 

Script Error

When transmitting direct deposit, you may see the following screen. This occurs if your Kotapay information is not set up correctly in Drake Accounting. Please return to Drake Accounting > Firm > Direct Deposit and verify the authentication card input, as well as your Kotapay login and password credentials. 

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