

Knowledge Base

15817: Subsequent 1096 or W-2/W-3 e-Filing for Additional Required Forms


Drake Accounting®I've identified additional forms that should have been e-filed with Form 1096, Form W-2, or Form W-3. How do I e-file additional forms after e-filing?  


Only the additional forms need to be created and e-filed. When DAS creates the 1099/1098/W-2G electronic upload file, the 1096 information included totals data for only those additional forms. Similarly, the W-3 will total all Forms W-2 present.

The IRS instructions for filing these forms provide for this.

"Multiple filings. If, after you file Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, or W-2G, you discover additional forms that are required to be filed, file these forms with a new Form 1096. Do not include copies or information from previously filed returns."

See General Instructions for Certain Information Returns for additional information.

When a new form gets created in the OTF > Federal Form screen or a new form gets processed in the Payables/Employee > Federal Form screen, make sure to only select that form in the data grid when choosing to save or save/print. This ensures that the 1096 or W-3 will only include data for the selected form for the new submission.

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