

Knowledge Base

17006: Client Health View (DAS)


Drake Accounting®: What is the Client Health View? 


The Client Health screen allows for an in-depth look into the financial status of any selected client.  You can view data from expense reports, revenue reports, Payables, Receivables, and more in graphical form.  This includes pie charts or bar graphs in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional format.  You can better advise your clients on their financial status with a clear, easy-to-understand representation of their information.  You can also save these reports to PDF format and view them under Tools > Review Reports or using the Quick Save Viewer on the bottom left of the Client Health screen.

Colors cannot be changed for charts on the e-File Status and CoA balance Sheet tabs.

Choosing the Client Health View

This will set up the Client Health View to be the default screen when opening Drake Accounting.  It is also available under Client > Health if it is not set up as the default option.  Once you check Client Health View, there will also be a Health Options tab for additional options.

  1. Go to Firm > User Setup.
  2. Select the user you wish to apply this view to.
  3. Select the Options tab.
  4. Check Client Health View.
  5. Save.

Overview of the Client Health View

  •  Expenses Tab
    • ​Displays information about Expenses, Other Expenses, and Cost of Goods account types for YTD.
    • Can also include Unposted Transactions.
    • Show Detail Data displays the individual accounts based on the account type chosen.
      • This will change the chart from 2-D to 3-D.​

  • Revenue Tab
    • Displays information about Income and Other Income account types for YTD.
    • Can also include Unposted Transactions.
    • Show Detailed Data displays the individual accounts based on the account type chosen.
      • This will change the chart from 2-D to 3-D. 

  • Monthly Revenue Tab
    • Displays a monthly break down of revenue in either bar or line graph.
    • Can choose to include prior year revenue data and Unposted Transactions.
    • Current year will only display to the last month of transactions (i.e., if the last transaction is in March for the current year, the last current year data point will be in March).

  • CoA Balance Sheet Tab
    • Displays a comparison between Assets, Capital, ​and ​Liability​.
    • Can choose to display ​Year-to-Date​, ​Prior Month vs Current Month​, or ​Historic Comparison​.
      • ​Historic Comparison​ allows for the input of two months to compare them.
    • ​Capital​ and ​Liability​ are stacked columns.
    • When hovering over either a column or a legend, they can be selected to display a detailed breakdown of the selected type to the right.

  • Employee Tab
    • Displays a comparison between an employee's budgeted hours and the actual hours worked.
    • Can choose to display terminated employees.
    • Can select the employees to show on the chart.
    • Can show a predicted Annual Actual vs Annual Budget for each employee.
    • Display options include Column or Stacked Column.
    • Group By and filter options include Division, Location, and Pay Class.
    • A summary of each grouping is available (the Summarize Grouping option).

  • e-File Status Tab
    • Displays the status of 94x returns: Pending, Approved, and Rejected.
    • Can choose to display All or individual 94x e-filing types.

  • Payables Tab
    • Displays overdue invoices in 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 90+ days.
    • Can select a "pie slice" to display those invoices in the lower right data grid.
    • Can search for Due Invoices using the start and end date ranges.

  • Receivables Tab
    • Displays overdue invoices in 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 90+ days.
    • Can select a "pie slice" to display those invoices in the lower right data grid.
    • Displays invoices due today.


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