

Knowledge Base

18112: State Tax Payments Report

Reports Generally

What states had special payments in 2022? Can I run a report showing taxpayers that may need to be amended due to the IRS guidance regarding state tax payments?


The list of states with special payments is available from the IRS. Review the IRS guidance and state instructions for details. 

This report will show returns that were e-filed and had a Form 1099-MISC in data entry. While state tax payments were reported on 1099-MISC, other amounts may also have been reported on Form 1099-MISC that are not for state tax payments. The following report will allow you to get a list of taxpayers that may need to be reviewed further.

To generate a report, do the following:

  1. Go to Reports > Report Manager > Client Reports > Client Contact > Contact list (individual).
  2. Click Edit Report.
  3. Change the Report Title, for example, "1040 with 1099-MISC."
  4. Locate and add the columns 1099MISC Payer Name and Form 1099-M to the selected report columns list. 
    • Add other columns, if needed. 
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click Edit Filters.
  7. Click Add Condition.
  8. Click Copy on the filter changes pop-up window.
  9. Enter a Filter Name (for example, 1099).
  10. Click OK.
  11. On the Filter Condition Editor window:
    • Choose Keyword name: Fed Ack Date.
    • Choose Comparisonis on or before.
    • Enter Value02102024.
    • Click Ok.
  12. Click Add Condition:
    • Choose Keyword name: E-Filed.
    • Choose Comparison is True.
    • Click Ok.
  13. Click Add Condition:
    • Choose Keyword name: Form 1099-M.
    • Choose Comparison is present.
    • Click Ok.
  14. Click Save
  15. Click Save again.
  16. Click View Report and Continue through the search conditions. 
  17. The report can be printed or exported to Excel so you can review further.

If you determine that an amended return needs to be filed, see Related Links below for steps. ​​

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