

Knowledge Base

14225: 1040 - Note 488 - Form 4137

1040 Individual

I have not entered anything on screen 4137. Why is note 488 appearing on an individual return? 

Return Note 488 reads:

MISSING DATA ENTRY: You have entered an amount in the "Tips received" column of screen 4137; however, there is not an amount in the "Tips reported" column. Review the return to ensure that this is correct. Return to screen 4137 to make corrections if needed.

Return Note 488 generates when there is an entry in the Tips received column without an entry on the Tips reported column of the 4137 screen. The note will also generate when there is an amount entered on the Allocated tips line of the W2 screen without an entry on the Tips reported column of the 4137 screen.

Drake recommends reviewing the return for accuracy and making any changes that may be necessary. Note 488 can be cleared by going to the Taxes tab > 4137 screen in data entry and entering the appropriate amounts in the Tips reported column, if needed. Note 488 will not prevent the return from e-filing.

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