

Knowledge Base

14812: PA - Schedule F Expenses


How do I get expenses that are not separately listed on the Federal Schedule F to flow to the correct lines on the Pennsylvania Schedule F? 

The listed federal Schedule F expense amounts will flow to the PA Schedule F, however, PA has additional lines that are not specifically detailed on the Federal Schedule F. To get those expenses to flow to the appropriate PA line, create a detail worksheet (double-click or press CTRL+W) for line 32 Other Expenses on the federal F screen. On the Detail Worksheet, use one or more of the following descriptions, as applicable. 

Description Flows to Line
Breeding Fees
Land Clearing
Machine Hire 25
Rent of Farm
Rent of Pasture

In view mode, the amounts will carry to the designated line of PA Schedule F.

Example of the detail worksheet for line 32: 

View mode: 

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