

Knowledge Base

15725: Transmitter Control Code (DAS)


Drake Accounting®: What is a Transmitter Control Code (TCC)?


A Transmitter Control Code (TCC) is required if you e-file Forms 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498 and W-2G. Starting with tax year 2023, if you file 10 or more informational returns, they must be filed electronically. Only one Transmitter Control Code is required to e-file all of your clients’ Forms 1098 and 1099.

e-Filing through Drake Accounting is currently only supported through the IRS FIRE system. Be sure that you are entering your FIRE TCC below not an IRIS TCC.

After the IRS processes your application:

  1. You will receive a letter from the IRS with your FIRE TCC.
  2. In Drake Accounting®, go to Firm > Firm Information Setup and enter the TCC.
  3. Click Save.

Note: The general time frame for receiving your TCC is 45 days after submission of the request. If you plan on e-filing, be sure to submit your TCC application with enough time to allow for this processing window.


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