

Knowledge Base

16040: EF Message 3300

Rejects + EF Messages

Why am I seeing a EF Message 3300 on this return?


To prevent duplicate transmissions, an EF Message 3300 will now be displayed on a federal return when a pending acknowledgement has been received for that return. The message reads as follows: 

E-FILE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATUS PENDING: Federal Form 1040 has been e-filed and received by Drake Software. No acknowledgements have been received, so the return's status is "Pending."

To check for acknowledgements, from the menu bar of the Drake Tax Home window, select EF > Transmit/Receive, and click "Acks Only." Once acknowledgments have been received, go to EF > Process Acks.

To resubmit this return (not recommended), go to screen EF (EF Selections) and mark the "Retransmit" check box at the bottom of the screen.


This EF message will prevent accidental re-transmission of the federal return to help prevent IRS Rejects: 

  • 1040 Return: R0000-902-01.
  • 1120/1120-S/1041: R0000-932-01
  • 1065: R0000-926-01

See Related Links below for details on these rejections. 

If a state is a "piggy-back" state, i.e. a state that is required to be transmitted with the federal return, this EF message will generate a state MSG page preventing e-file of the state return due to federal rejects. EF message numbers vary depending on the specific state involved. If the state return has not yet been transmitted, but is ready to be sent, follow these steps to send a state-only transmission: 

  1. On the EF Selections screen, check both boxes: 
    • Do NOT send Federal 
    • Retransmit this return even though its current status is "Pending." (important: See field help)
  2.  Re-calculate the return and verify that the federal return is Suppressed, but that the state(s) have green checks. 
  3. E-file the state returns (s) as normal. 
  4. Be sure to check for acknowledgements under EF > Transmit/Receive > Acks Only

Note: This EF message only displays while the return is in pending status. Once the federal return has been accepted, EF Message 5604, 0001, or 0147 will show instead. 

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