

Knowledge Base

16220: GA - DOL-4N - Quarterly Tax and Wage Report (DAS)


Drake Accounting®: How do I e-File GA quarterly tax and wage reports

For submitting to the Georgia Department of Labor (DOL), DAS can produce:

Note: If your client is an employer with more than 100 employees, the return must be filed electronically online or by magnetic media (DVD, CD-Rom, or USB Flash Drive) via mail.

To prepare Georgia Quarterly Tax and Wage Reports:

  1. Go to Employees or On the Fly > State Tax & Wage Forms.
  2. Select State as GA.
  3. Select Form as DOL-4N.
  4. Select the appropriate filing quarter.
  5. The form will load. Review and complete the information shown on the data entry screen, making any needed changes.
  6. If e-filing, check the e-File box. 
  7. Choose either the CSV Layout or Magnetic Media radio button.
    • The .CSV layout must be chosen if uploading via the DOR website. Magnetic Media is for use if you are putting the file on a USB Flash Drive or CD-ROM/DVDs and mailing it to the DOR.
  8. Click Save/Print or Save, and the software will generate the report and create the upload file.
    • If you have chosen Save/Print, a Print Preview window will display. Choose to print or save, as needed. 
  9. To review a previously generated report, click the Review Saved Reports button at the bottom left. 
  10. To see where the e-File forms are saved, click Manage e-Files at the bottom of the page.
    • This will also allow you to View the form, open the save location, copy the file, or delete the file from the e-file list. The default save location for Drake Accounting 2020 and prior is C:\DrakeAccounting20YY\Clients\CLIENTNAME\EFile\GA\GADOL4N. Starting in Drake Accounting 2021, the default save location is C:\DrakeAccounting20YY\DAS20YYData\Clients\CLIENTNAME\EFile\GA\GADOL4N.
      • Note: C is the drive on which DAS is installed, YY is the year of DAS, and CLIENTNAME is the name of the business for whom the file is being generated. 
    • If you need to navigate to the manage e-files menu after a form is generated, choose e-Filings > Manage e-Files from the tree menu on the left. 
  11. Depending on the option chosen, continue below for submission steps. 

.CSV E-filing Online

  1. Navigate within Drake Accounting® to e-FilingsManage e-Files. Select the Client Code for the client being uploaded, and navigate to the Form DOL-4N. Click Open Location. This will show you where you will need to navigate to in step 3 below. 
  2. Log into the File Tax and Wage Reports section of the GA DOR website.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate page for uploading your client's report.
  4. Browse to the location of the upload file and choose to upload.  
    • If the format of your file is incorrect, or if you have selected the wrong file type, you will receive an error message that your file cannot be accepted. Check your file and type selection and make the necessary corrections to continue uploading your file. If your format and file type selection are correct but there is an error within the file (such as an invalid cell format), it will identify the errors by row number.

Submitting Magnetic Media by mail

Send the USB Flash Drive or CD-ROM/DVDs to:

Georgia Department of Labor Electronic Filing Unit
148 Andrew Young International Blvd., NE
Suite 768
Atlanta, GA 30303 

See the instructions for additional submission guidelines and recommendations. 

Paper Filing

This option is only available for employers with fewer than 100 employees. Per the GA DOL, employers with more than 100 employees must use one of the above options, instead. In Drake Accounting®, for paper-filing and documentation purposes a PDF report, Employer's Quarterly Tax and Wage Report - Parts I and II (DOL-4N) is generated by default when you create the e-file. 

If you e-file online, do not mail this to the state.

Submit the completed form to:

Georgia Department of Labor
P. O. Box 740234
Atlanta, GA 30374-0234

If unable to pay online, include a check or money order made payable to Georgia Department of Labor. Be sure to include your GDOL account number as well.

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