

Knowledge Base

16278: OH - City Tax Rate Database


How do I update the tax rate, address, or taxing authority information for Ohio cities? 


Drake Tax contains a database of the most commonly used OH cities needed to generate the various OH city returns. While we provide this list as a convenience, the tax rates have not been verified by Drake and can change at anytime during the year. Drake will not monitor these rates for accuracy or for changes by the taxing authority. Due to the numerous cities involved, it may become necessary to make changes. 

Note: It is the responsibility of the preparer to verify these rates and change as needed.

If city information changes after the January release of Drake Tax, use the following tool to edit this information so that the most current information will be reflected on the return: 

  1. Go to Tools > City Tax Rates > Ohio to open the OH City Tax Rate Editor.
  2. Select the appropriate City from the drop-down box at the top. 
    • You can type the first few letters of the municipality name to search the list. 
  3. Verify the information, and make any changes to the rate/address, as needed.
  4. Click Update to save the correction. 

The tax rate, municipality, school district, and other necessary information are available online on the Municipal Tax web page.

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