

Knowledge Base

18317: Drake Pay - Integration in Drake Portals

Drake Pay

Drake Pay: How do I bill a client using Drake Portals and get paid through Drake Pay?


Client payments may be submitted online through Drake Portals only if the preparer has an active Drake Portals subscription and is partnered with Drake Pay. The Drake Pay service requires additional fees. See KB 18326 for details on signing up for Drake Pay. See KB 10307 for details on signing up for Drake Portals.

Drake Portals Website

To bill a client for tax preparation directly through the Drake Portals website: 

  1. Log in to Drake Portals.
  2. Select the client from the list or create a new client by clicking Add
  3. Click the Payment tab. 
  4. Under Submit Bill, enter the amount and a memo (optional). 
  5. Click Send to send the bill amount to the taxpayer.
    • The client will receive a notification email that a bill has been sent.
    • When they log in to their Drake Portals Account, they click on Payment on the left. 
    • From this section, the taxpayer will click on Pay and then enter in their credit card information and submit the payment. 
  6. Once completed, you can verify the payment, make changes, or print documentation by clicking on the transaction in the list. 

Drake Documents Integration 

To bill a client for tax preparation directly from the Connect tab of the Drake Portals pane inside Drake Documents: 

  1. On the Connect tab, enter the bill amount. Enter a memo note, if desired. 
  2. Click the Bill button to send the bill amount to the taxpayer.
    • The client will receive a notification email that a bill has been sent.
    • When they log in to their Drake Portals Account, they click on Payment on the left. 
    • From this section, the taxpayer will click on Pay and then enter in their credit card information and submit the payment. 
  3. Once completed, you can verify the payment and print documentation by clicking the Details button. 


  • If the taxpayer does not have one or more of the tabs available in Drake Portals, check the Connect Features tab located in Drake Portals > Account Settings to review what features have been enabled for your clients (global setting). 
  • Taxpayers cannot make partial payments on their bill; only the total amount that you send is able to be paid. If the taxpayer would like to pay in installments, you will need to make changes to the bill amount or send them multiple bills.
  • The payment information is not automatically imported into the return. Once notification of payment is received, the payment needs to be manually entered on the BILL screen in the client return.

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