How do I clear EF Message 0029 or resolve IRS Reject R0000-905-01?
EF Message 0029 states:
Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) in the Return Header must be listed in the e-File database and in accepted status. The EFIN of the originator must be a valid number issued by the IRS.
If EF Message 0029 appears in view and prevents e-filing, the cause is the entry of a firm EFIN that cannot be a valid EFIN -- the number is not a permissible number. For example, the EFIN may not contain letters. Check the filing firm’s EFIN:
- At Setup > Firm(s), select the firm.
- Click Edit and verify or correct the EFIN.
- Click the Confirm button.
- After it authenticates, click Save.
IRS Reject R0000-905-01 states:
Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) in the Return Header must be listed in the e-File database and in accepted status.
An IRS R0000-905-01 rejection after e-filing occurs if the filing firm’s EFIN is not shown in IRS records as a valid EFIN. Follow the steps above to confirm that the correct EFIN has been entered. If the correct EFIN has been entered, contact the IRS and make sure that the EFIN is still shown as valid in IRS records, and valid for the return type you are filing.
- The IRS sometimes issues a new EFIN for a preparer. If this happens, the other EFIN is no longer valid. See Related Links below for steps on logging into your IRS e-services account to verify your EFIN as shown on your Application Summary page.
- It is possible for an EFIN to be “turned off” in other situations as well.
- Reject R0000-905-01 also may indicate that you need to update your e-file authorization to include the return type being e-filed. Update this authorization on the IRS Web site (e-Services - Online Tools for Tax Professionals) or by calling the IRS e-file Help Desk at (866) 255-0654.
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