

Knowledge Base

11718: PA - 1099R to PAW2S or PARECON1


Why is the 1099-R distribution showing on the PA W2S or PARECON1? 

When the resident state is PA, all income sources from the 1099-R will show on the PA W2S, part B or on the PARECON1, however, an amount will only show in column G PA Compensation if it is taxable to PA.

PA Schedule W2S is obsolete starting in Drake20. Data flows to PA W2S in Drake19 and prior and to the PARECON1 (if enabled) starting in Drake20. See Related Links below for details. 

Also see PA screen W2S Miscellaneous Income for additional info on data flowing from the federal 99R screen to the PA return:

To prevent the 1099-R from showing on the PA W2S or PARECON1, go to the 1099-R data entry screen, box 13. In the State field, enter PA and in the State distribution field enter 0 (zero) or the figure that applies. In the second box 13, enter the second state for the 1099 and other information as needed. PA must be listed first for the information to flow correctly to the PA forms.

Note: When the resident state on screen 1 is PA, the 1099-R information will still be carried to the W2S/PARECON1, however, the taxable amount will show as zero (or the number entered), without regard to the distribution code-- use caution. 

PA taxes pensions with distribution codes of 1, 2, 8, 9, J, L, or S. A note is generated on the PA return whenever one of these distribution codes is chosen on a federal 1099-R screen.

See the PA-40 2019 Instructions and PA-40 2020 Instructions for further information. 

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