

Knowledge Base

14203: 1040 - EF Message 5461

1040 Individual

How do I clear EF Message 5461?

EF Message 5461:

RETURN INELIGIBLE FOR E-FILE: Either the state for which you are requesting a state bank product has an EF Message, or you have selected "All states" and there is no state with a refund on this tax return.

Return to your bank screen and review data entry.

EF Message 5461 on a 1040 return indicates that either:

  • A state bank product has been requested on the bank screen for a state return that has a state EF Message preventing e-filing, or
  • A - All States has been selected for the state RT on the bank screen, but there are no states with a refund indicated on the return.

To clear this EF Message, either clear the EF Messages preventing e-filing of the selected state return, or remove the A - All States selection from the selected bank screen.

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