

Knowledge Base

14943: ND - EF Message 0021

North Dakota

How would I clear North Dakota red message 0021 on an individual return?

North Dakota EF Message 0021 states: 

ND Electronic Filing Not allowed

Form ND-1 - School District code missing. North Dakota asks for you to select a school district code from the school district codes listed on page 19 of the Form ND-1 Tax manual. You can use CTRL-? to list the codes.

To resolve this EF Message, complete one of the following steps:

  1. Review the federal address that is present on screen 1.
    • If this address should be a North Dakota address, make the necessary changes so that it does reflect North Dakota, and recalculate the return.
    • If this address should not be a North Dakota address continue to Step 2.
  1. Go to Data Entry > States Tab > North Dakota > General Tab > ND1 General Information Screen.  
    • Select the School District Code dropdown at the top of the screen and find the applicable code.

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