Can I print Organizers or Proformas for a specific group of clients?
Organizers and Proformas are generated at Last Year Data > Organizers or Proformas. In either case, the selection process is the same. The program looks in last year's software for the client information, so be sure that your data locations are set up correctly to point to the prior year installation of Drake Tax.
You can select multiple clients from the search list. Change filters to display client names/numbers and double-click to add the client to the selection list. When all of the clients have been added, click Next to proceed with the organizers.
You can also use a filter to search last year's clients and provide organizers or proformas based on the search results. To do this, do not add individual numbers. From the empty Client Selection screen, click Next. Select an existing filter to use (or select Edit Filters to create a new filter to select), click Next, select Basic Search Conditions and click Continue to proceed.
For a video demonstration of generating organizers, see Generating Organizers.
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