

Knowledge Base

18027: Drake Zero or Web1040 - Setup Options

Drake Zero + Web1040

What setup options are available in Drake Zero or Web1040?


Under Setup > Setup Options a variety of tabs are available so you can customize your data entry and forms as needed. Options are detailed below based on what tab is selected. Be sure to Save after making any changes

Administrative Options

  • Due Diligence
    • Print all due diligence assistance documents
    • Require due diligence assistance screens to be completed
  • Bank Products - State laws regarding fees
    • Charge ALL taxpayers the same fees (You MUST read the program help before choosing this option). See Related Links below. 
  • Return Status Notification Programs
    • None
    • ABCVoice


  • Select Bill format
    • Comprehensive Bill
    • Summary Bill
    • Classic Bill
  • These options apply to all Bill formats
    • Show preparer fees withheld from bank product
    • State sales tax (Ex: Enter 4.5% as 4.5)
    • Local sales tax (Ex: Enter 4.5% as 4.5)
  • Billing statement format
    • Show only total amount
    • Show form list and total
    • Show forms, form prices, and total
    • Bill by time
    • Show forms, number of forms, and charges per form
    • Move prep time charge to bottom of bill
    • Do not prepare a bill
  • Header on bill
    • Show preparer's name
    • Show only tax year
    • Professional services statement
    • None
  • These options are used ONLY for the Classic Bill
    • Print taxpayer's phone number on the bill
    • Print taxpayer's e-mail address on the bill
  • Custom Paragraph Options
    • Options

Calculation and View/Print

  • Layout for depreciation schedule
    • Landscape
    • Portrait
  • Print sort options for Interest/Dividends
    • Do not sort 
    • Alphabetical - ascending
    • Alphabetical - descending
    • Numerical - ascending
    • Numerical - descending
  • Select to Turn On
    • Display client fee on Calculation screen
    • Print only one overflow statement per page
    • Mask SSN, EFIN, PTIN on Client and Preparer Sets

Client Communications

  • Letter Selection
    • Individual
      • Comprehensive Result Letter (All Individual Tax Types)
      • Comprehensive Spanish Result Letter (All Tax Types)
      • Custom Result Letter Template (Must be Modified) - This option appears four times, corresponding with templates available for customization under Setup > Communications.
      • Federal Only Result Letter
      • Federal, States Only Result Letter
      • Federal, States, Cities Only Result Letter
      • Summary Result Letter (All Tax Types)
    • Include privacy letter with returns
    • Include engagement letter with returns
    • Include customized supplemental letter with returns
    • Include K-1 letter with returns
  • Filing Instructions
    • Federal
      • Do not print 
      • Always print
      • Print only for paper returns
    • State
      • Do not print
      • Always print
      • Print only for paper returns
  • Referral Coupons (3 per sheet)
    • Sheets per return
    • Coupon amount

Common Forms

  • Use this tab to select which input screens are listed on the Common tab under the Your Forms section in a return. The Common tab is a quick way to access the screens that you use most often.
  • Administrators can set up a list of common forms to be used by all preparers by making a selection in the Display For drop list. Choose Home Office to set up a list for all preparers, choose Office to set up a list for all preparers in your firm, or choose Preparer(Self) to set up a personal list of common forms.
  • Choose the applicable tax authority. Select a form from the drop list and click Add Form. To remove a form from the list, click the delete icon next to the form name. You can change the order of the list by clicking the up or down icons next to the form name.

Electronic Filing

  • Default ERO
    • None 
    • Paid Preparer
    • Preparer 1-9
  • Select to Turn On
    • Auto-generate taxpayer(s) PIN (1040 Only)
    • Require 'Ready for EF' indicator on EF screen
    • Print 9325 when eligible for EF
    • Suppress federal EF
    • Alert preparer when bank product is not included
    • Email 9325 Notice to Taxpayer (automatically from Drake Processing Center)
  • State EF
    • Suppress

Form and Schedule

  • Forms
    • Print Form 4562 only when required
    • Print Form 6251 only when required
    • Print W-2/1099 forms
      • Print two W-2/1099-Rs per page
  • Schedules
    • Print Schedule A only when required
    • Print Schedule B only when required
    • Next-year depreciation schedule
    • Print page 2 of Schedule K-1 for 1041 and K-1 codes for 1120S and 1065
  • More Options
    • Carryover worksheet
    • Print ES vouchers only when screen ES indicates
    • Always show reason for no EIC
    • Always show tax computation worksheet
    • Print shareholder's/partner's adjusted basis worksheet
  • 1040-SR suppress
    • Do not suppress 1040-SR
    • Suppress 1040-SR
  • Form 8879 bank account options
    • Print client's bank account numbers
    • Do not print client's bank account numbers
    • Print the last four digits of the bank account number
  • Set Conditions (choose value from drop list)
    • W-2 list if greater than
    • W-2G list if greater than
    • 1099-M list if greater than
    • 1099-R list if greater than
    • Federal Withholding Summary
    • List of Dividends and Interest if more than
    • K-1 list (bus. returns only) if greater than

Optional Documents

  • Envelope Sheet
    • Taxpayer address
    • IRS Center address
    • State address
    • City address
    • K-1 address
  • Estimated payment coversheet (Nelco ENV500)
  • Select to Print with Returns
    • Folder coversheet
    • Prior year(s) comparison form
    • Return Summary
    • Bill summary
    • Labels

Optional Items on Return

  • Select to Print on Return
    • Date on return
      • Print dates for taxpayer and spouse signatures (excludes 1040)
    • Taxpayer phone number
  • Third party designee - Choose from drop list. 
  • Interest and Penalty Calculation - check box to automatically calculate penalties and interest on returns filed after the due date based on interest rates entered.


  • Select a state from the drop list to view the available setup options.

Print Sets

  • Use this screen to set or change the number of copies a given form will be printed per set.

Prior Year Import

  • Click Import all general options to retrieve all general options from the prior year.

Additional Options Available for Web1040 Only

Custom Documents

  • Use this screen to upload PDF documents that can be viewed by all users for your account.

Custom Drop Down

  • Use this screen to create custom drop down lists.

Custom Flags

  • Use this screen to add or remove custom flags to the Taxpayer Information screen.

Disabled Forms

  • Use this screen to add a form to the Disabled Forms list. A disabled form can only be accessed by an administrator.

Hidden Forms

  • Use this screen to add a form to the Hidden Forms list. A hidden form is removed from the available forms list in a return, but can still be found by searching.

Locked Fields

  • Use this screen to lock specific fields on any form.

Send for Review Email

  • Use this screen to edit a firm's Send for Review email address. A notification will be sent to this email address when a return is sent for review.

Verified Fields

  • Use this screen to flag certain fields on any form as verified. The values in these fields will need to be verified before a return can be filed.

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